This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Fascuinism and free trade

If you do not believe that both parties are involved in this, take a look at the free trade agreements. First, NAFTA, GATT, (now known as the WTO) and now CAFTA are all unconstitutional. The reason being is they are all treaties and needed to be approved by two thirds of the senate. This is the fascist trick of doing whatever the powers that be want to do and the law be damned. These treaties were iniated back in the 80's by conservative "R" Ronald R. They were then moved forward by moderate "R" George H.W.B. Along comes liberal "D" Bill C. and pushes, threatens and bribes the first two into existance. Next comes supposed conservative "R" George W.B. and pushes through CAFTA. So we go all the way through the political spectrum and find that all of them think alike. Liberal Bill C. bombed and asprin factory and went to war in Bosnia and conservative George W.B. went to war in Iraq as did moderate George H.W.B. They all did it without the constitutional requirement of having the congress declare war. So China gets all of our jobs and our money for their products and our armed forces go around the world getting killed. FASCUINISM pure and simple. More tomorrow.


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