This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


All I hear from the presidential candidates is talk about living in a democracy. All I hear on the radio and tv is the fact that we have a democracy. Well, if we do it is not because that is what the founding fathers gave us. They gave us a constitutional republic. A democracy cannot work in a country like the United States and our forefathers knew it. For a small country like Switzerland it is fine, for a large country like The United States with all of its different nationalities and ethnic groups, it cannot work.

Trying to run this country as a democracy is what is ruining it. This is why we have groups like the homosexuals getting their way when they are only a minute portion of the population. To have a democracy in this country you must get rid of our constitution and that is just what is happening. Our great constitution, probably the greatest constitution ever written is being shredded by those who would make this a democracy. Schools no longer teach the constitution or that this country is a constitutional republic. Kids grow up never knowing what a republic is because they are never told. We now have a bunch of adults that believe that we are governed by a nanny state democracy and they seem to like it. They feel that they can vote themselves anything they want by voting in people that will give it to them. None of them seem to realize that they are also voting away their freedom

Democracy in a country such as America is just a small step away from anarchy. When groups of people who feel they are minorities decide they want something they just riot and they will sooner or later get it. This country is fast deteriorating into anarchy. Homosexuals get what they want and do not care what anyone else wants. It is no longer what is good for the majority it is for the good of the minority. This holds true for minority hiring, fair housing, etc. The government tells what we have to do to please some minority or other and we have to do it. This is where I once again get into what I call fasciunism. These are fascist tactics when the government has that much control over the business world. In a true fascist government the businesses are privately owned but run by the government. If you look at all the government rules and regulations businesses work under today, you will see that we are at that point. I have no right any longer to run my business as I please, I must follow a myriad of government regulations. Now add to this all of the socialist programs that we are under and you can understand why I use the word fasciunist. A combination of fascism and communism (socialism) is what we have for a government. This is the government they want to call democracy.

This country is NOT a democracy and can never be a democracy no matter what the talking heads and stupid politicians tell us. We will either continue to exist as a fasciunist state or we will fall into complete anarchy and the next step will be a communist dictatorship. We will be whisked into the one world government and will not have anything to say about it. Right now at this upcoming election we need to take back this country. We need to let the politicians, from those running for president all the way down to the local politicians, that we are sick and tired of their fasciunist tactics and that we want our country. Every time someone calls this country a democracy, correct them and tell them it is a constitutional republic. When they ask you what the difference is (and they will) be ready to explain it to them. We either save out country right now or it can probably never be saved. We need to fight for our freedoms.


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