This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


My title today tells it all, that is where I believe our country is going: "Downhill". I am neither a demlican or a republicrat. However, when it comes time to vote we normally have to pick one or the other. I am a strong conservative and in the past I have voted for third part candidates for president. I think that the time for a third party candidate is coming, I just do not believe this election cycle will be the time. That means that we either need to go with a D or and R. The D being B. Hussein O. there is not much choice as to which one we need to pick. That is the only reason I was pointing out a R candidate last time. This country is on such a downhill slide right now that another term for B. Hussein O. would mean the death of the country as we know it.

Right now something has to be done about the national debt. Taxes do not need to be raised to get control of the debt, yet that is exactly what our pretendsident wants to do. Raising taxes would not bring in enough revenue to make a dent in the national debt. the higher taxes are on the really rich the less they pay. It is the small business person who would get hit the hardest. that would mean no hiring and small companies going out of business. That would mean less taxes because the people that would be laid off would then be paying no taxes. It is a proven fact that the lower the tax rate the more the government takes in.

The main thing we need to do is to quit spending more than we take in. First we need to get rid of Obamacare. this is one of the programs that is already starting to make a huge sucking sound as it takes money to run it. Next we need to de-fund the EPA and the department of education. All these two departments do is suck money out of the budget and cause trouble. We also need to get rid of the BATFE. this is a department that has gone completely over the edge with "Fast and Furious". The reason that that was started was to prove what they had been saying, that the guns in Mexico came from the U.S. By buying guns with taxpayers money and letting them get into Mexico and to the drug lords they felt they could then call for stiffer laws in this country. They had not counted n border guards getting shot and killed with the guns they bought and paid for, using a straw purchaser as a gun runner. This is just their latest method of trying to pass tighter gun laws and perhaps get to the point of gun confiscation, which is their ultimate goal. By getting rid of those three departments and tweaking the rest of the budget I believe we could balance the budget shortly. None of these three departments are called for in the constitution, so they should go. If we ever got back to a constitutional government we would not have a bit of trouble balancing the budget.

Another thing that a president should bring to the table is to end the wars that we are in. Especially the one in Libya, which B. Hussein O. decided to get into without the consent of congress. This is an illegal war and the pretendsident should be impeached for even getting into it. Our Senators and Representatives are also guilty in this one because they will not stop it. B. Hussein O. is taking this country away from the constitution and toward the UN. He is taking us into a one world government. As I have stated many times the man is either a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer. I believe that he is a Muslim working undercover for the Muslims by pretending to be a Christian. According to the Koran, this is totally acceptable. According to our illustrious Secretary of State we are going to now sit down with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and let them have a say in the government. This means the it will be a Muslim government with Sharia law. You see Ms. Clinton has a Muslim assistant, Anthony Wiener's wife. Between the Muslims and the Communists now in our government, the country is really on that downhill slide.

We currently have an executive branch of the government that does not believe that the law applies to them. When they feel they can fight illegal wars, run guns into Mexico to make American gun laws look bad, sign presidential decrees making illegal aliens citizens, spend money on anything that they desire and do whatever else they want, we have a completely fasciunist government. This is why we need to get behind a candidate that believes in the constitution and also believes that we should live on the money we take in, not be borrowing half of our need from China. We have not had a president like that since Ronald Reagan. We need another on right now. If our present pretendsident is reelected two things will happen. Number one, the country will go bankrupt and number two there will be a civil war. This will be due to the country going bankrupt and the people who depend on the government handouts beginning to steal, rob and loot to get what they want. The people who now have what the handout takers want will only put up with it so long and they will fight back. One more thing can happen and that is hyper-inflation. I will cover that when I return to this space in two weeks. Until then do not forget that next week you can check out my survival blog at:

I will be putting some silver coins in my store at :


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