This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Same or Different?

Both communism and facism attempt to expand their territories and their power. Look at the WW II era and you will find both Stalin and Hitler trying to gain power and tertritory. The fact that they even formed an alliance for a time tells me that the two ism's are more alike than different. I will be using Germany and Russia and Hitler and Stalin in my writings only because they are the most well known of the two ism's. I will also show why I believe that the US is on its way to a fasciunist dictatorship. Is it a conspiracy? Well to quote America's only dictater for life, FDR, "If it happens in politics, it is not an accident, if it happens it was planned that way. I think with the use of both fascist and communist politics along with some ideas that seem to have come straight out of George Orwells 1984, this country is being subverted from within.


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