This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


If you think gun control is bad with the laws that are passed, just look at what is happening right now. In New Orleans, guns are being taken away from citizens who are trying to protect themselves. Just another show of fascist force. The one person whom I saw on tv made a statement that is probably the most true statement I have ever seen about guns on the major media. He said, "they are just afraid because their our weapons are bigger than their weapons". While that may not be an exact quote, it is close enough, because that is what he meant. It is also the truth. This is the reason most of the gun laws are passed. The government does not want us unwashed masses to have guns and other weapons that are equal to or better than theirs. Yet, that is exactly what the founding fathers meant. One of the reasons for making sure our right to keep and bear arms was not infringed was because we were to put down any government that became too powerful. They realized that governments get out of control and need at least the threat of the citizens forming a new and better government. Which leads us back to the New Orleans situation. Will those people get their guns back? Who will protect them and their property after the soldiers leave? They were simply doing what every American SHOULD do. They were protecting their lives and property from the looters that are known to be in the area. What do they do now, dial 911 and die? Just look at how many people are now under government control, millions. Add this to the new laws after 9/11 and you can see that the fascinunists are slowly taking over. Slowly at the moment, but you can look for the tempo to pick up at any time. If it is not another natural disaster, it may be a terrorist attack or some other "emergency.


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