This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Third Parties

I stated last week that I could not vote for either candidate for president this year. I think it may be a moot point anyway, because I still believe that something will happen before the election to cause martial law to be declared and the election canceled. I truly hope that I am way wrong on that prediction, but unfortunately, it could happen. If it does it will be because of some contrived emergency or disaster that supposedly will harm our security. What may set it off could be the upcoming depression. For right now I am going to look on the optimistic side of things and plan on having a chance to vote.

So, if I cannot vote for the lesser of two evils because it is still evil, for whom shall I vote? Right now the best candidate and the best political party I see is Chuck Baldwin and the Constitution Party. Before I get into why I believe they are the best, let us take a look at what voting for a third party candidate is all about.

There are many people who say they will never vote for a third party candidate because it is a wasted vote. First of all, there is no such thing as a wasted vote. However, as long as people keep thinking that way, there is no way a third party candidate can win. Many people say "Well, I have to vote for the republicrat to keep the demlican from getting into office. There is not a nickels worth of difference between the two major parties, so why the big worry. Whether you get fasciunist McCain or fasciunist Hussein Obama you will still have a fasciunist in office. Things will not change no matter who gets in except to probably get worse. But, if enough of us get behind one third party candidate and vote for him, we can possibly change the way this country is run.

Chuck Baldwin is a minister from Florida. He has had a long time interest in politics. A few years ago he was the vice presidential candidate on the Constitution Party ticket. He is pro life, pro gun, anti homosexual marriage, pro freedom, anti homeland security, pro free speech, anti hate crime laws, pro constitution, anti North American Union. He is for all of the good things that made America great and against all of the new world order, UN, anti American garbage that is going on in this country. He, along with the Constitution Party stand for everything that America was founded on and that made America great. How could you not want to vote for such a man? For many of his ideas and ideals you can find his columns on the News With Views website.

This is the year we must talk people into voting with their mind not their heart. We must talk them into voting for a third party candidate and we must get behind just one of them to have a chance. My feeling is that if we do not vote in a third party candidate this year we may never get another chance. I will be writing a lot more about this between now and the election.

There is one other hope. That is the outside chance that something will upset the republicrat convention and Ron Paul will get the nomination. In that case it would be a no brainer, we could all vote for Ron Paul. But it is not likely that will happen so we need to do the next best thing and vote for Chuck Baldwin.


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