This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Big Brother

It is bad enough that the politicians are fighting about everything you can think of and the pretendsident and the demlicans are blaming everything on the Tea Party, now we have the FBI spying on survivalists. At least they are trying to. They are putting out flyer's to all surplus dealers and telling them to let the FBI know about people that pay cash, purchase excess ammo, waterproof ammo cans, waterproof matches, MRE's or "night" flashlights. That is correct they specify "night" flashlights. Does that make day flashlights okay?

All survivalists are now considered terrorists. It is not nice to profile Muslims, who have been responsible for hundreds of bombings and other terrorist attacks in the past several years, but it is fine to profile survivalists who may have been responsible for one or two events. This is the same government that right after B. Hussein O. became president had police watching for people who had Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin bumper stickers on their cars. They also were to watch for people that were pro life, pro gun, pro constitution and those that were considered patriots. Do we not find that a little backwards?

Many of the things on the list that is being sent to the surplus stores are things that other branches of this same outlaw government is telling us that we should have on hand in case of a natural disaster. Is this a way for the government to attempt to entrap us? Tell us to have things on hand and when we go to buy what they tell us, then we get arrested for being terrorists.

I am pretty sure it will not work. For one thing, most surplus store owners are survivalists themselves. They many times are veterans and most will not turn in people that they know are nothing more than American patriots and survivalists. You see that the last time a Muslim decided to do a repeat at Fort Hood, one of those gun store owners did turn him in. However, the man had an excellent reason for turning him in and should have. I am actually that the feds arrested the man due to the fact that he was a Muslim.

I am going to cut this short this week. I had intended to give a plan for balancing the federal budget, but felt that this information was too important to wait. I will do the budget blog in two weeks and next week will be part two of my Agenda 21 information. Until then check out my survival blog and my store. I currently have some silver coins in my store for just about bullion prices.


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