This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

More of the Same

Well, I guess I have to interrupt my usual message to go on one of my many tirades. Yesterday, Sep. 14, a judge in California (where else?) ruled that it is illegal for school children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. He cited the seperation of church and state as the reason. In the first place, allegiance is being pledged to the flag not to God. The fact that the word God appears in the pledge has nothing to do with religion. God is mentioned in various ways and several times in the Decleration of Independence and the Constitution of the U.S. Not only that, but by forbiding of the recitation of the Pledge, that judge is taking away everyone else's freedom of religion. He is saying that because a very small minority do not want to use the term "Under God" the vast majority must give up their right to their freedom of religion. This is another fascist action to turn America into a Godless communist state. These judges that do these kind of things were put on the bench by people who hate America and everything it now stands for. They claim to be patriotic Americans and they run for and obtain the presidency. However in reality they are fasciunists who are attempting to bring America to its knees. They are the ones pushing agendas for newspeak, (politically correct language), for removing God from America and for all of the other stupid anti-American laws. They are the ones in charge of changing the constitution to the point where it will no longer be recognizable. They are the ones in charge of moving America into the new world order with a one world government. Who are these people? Which political party do they belong to? They are both the "demlicans" and the "republicrats". Both parties make use of activist judges, just activist in different areas. That way, no matter what type of case comes up, some judge somewhere, appointed by one party or the other, can be used to change the law to what is wanted. All judges have taken to legislating from the bench. That is what our two (fasciunist) political parties want. You may not believe in conspiracies but FDR, (America's first dictator for life) made a very true statement. This may not be an exqct quote, but it is close. "Nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happens, it was planned that way".


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