This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Third Amendment

This is the one that says that we are secure against unreasonable searches an seizures and that probable cause must be shown before such action may be taken. We all know that that is not adhered to.The swat teams in this country are not much better than the jack-booted thugs of Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. For a lot of years, anyone with a grudge against someone could just call the law and report illegal guns, drugs or whatever and with no proof the DEA or BATF would break down doors and hold people at gun point, maybe even handcuffing them or beating them. When they find a mistake has been made they just say "tough" and leave. Now, since 9/11 and the patriot act it is much worse. Now the feds from many agencies have the authority to enter homes and businesses, to tap phones, to check computers, to check library records and to check on who they wish at any time with the excuse, "We are just protecting you from terrorists". The real terrorists are the federal agencies doing the checking. The real hate crime is the federal government that hates any free, independent thinking, freedom loving American. This country was set up with the constitution so that the government would fear the people. This was the whole idea of the Bill of Rights, to show the people their rights. These rights are God given and cannot be taken away. That is they cannot be taken away unless we let it happen. Today's laws have turned things around until instead of the government fearing and respecting the people, the people live in constant fear of the government. When will the day come that all patriots are considered terrorists? Were Washington, Adams, Franklin and the rest of the forefathers alive today, they would be considered terrorists. Is it not time to do something to change all of this?


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