This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Stealing a Country

As I restart this blog on a regular basis, let me begin by saying that I will do my best to update it every Sunday night. One of the reasons I have taken so much time off was to do some rethinking of how to handle this and my other blog. is my other blog and it deals with survival issues. I believe that now is a time when people should be reading both of my blogs. I believe that fasciunism is going to pick up speed and the attempt to take over this country by the one world order fasciunists is going to make it necessary for all of us like minded people to become survivalists. So, I invite all those who have been reading this blog to continue to do so and to also take the time to read the other one also.

Why do I believe that fasciunism is picking up speed? Immigration, the war in Iraq, Isreal, the economy, the tagging and registering of all livestock, the supreme court's decision on eminent domain, no child left behind, COPS, NAFTA, The inclusion of South American countries in our free trade zone and there are more reasons I could list, but that will do for a start. I will be picking one or more of these items each week in the future and try to show how they are being used to further the aims of fasciunism and the one world order.

For this week, let us take a quick look at Isreal. They are attempting to bomb Lebonan out of existance. They claim they are just defending themselves and trying to eliminate the terrorist group Hezbolla. That is what they say while they continue to bomb civilian targets. By bombing civilian targets, does that not make them terrorists also? They are doing exactly what they are accusing the terrorists of doing, but because they are Isreal, it is okay. The USA is backing them 100% percent. At least the administration is backing them. Many of the people on the street are not so happy about it. They are giving Isreal the go ahead and sending bunker busting bombs to them. They say that they are not against the Muslims but that is not the way the Muslims see it. We are already hated in the middle east and this is just adding fuel to the fire. It is just inviting Hamas, Hezbolla, the Taliban and every other extremist Muslim terrorist group to attack this country. I believe that this is intentional. The fasciunist one worlders would like to see another 9/11 type terrorist act here in the US. This would give them a reason to add to the patriot acts and take away yet more of our freedoms. The more freedoms they can take the closer we come to one world government. If the attack was bad enough, they could even declare martial law and seize control of all private property. This could also be used to forestall elections and keep our present administration in power. This administration is the most fasciunist, one world government favoring administration in my memory. While this thinking goes back to at least FDR it has been picking up steam in the last twenty years and I see a total snowball effect with the present administration.

One of the things we need to do this year is to get rid of as many senators and congressmen as possible. Check your own congressman and see what his voting record is pertaining to Isreal. Check it and see where he stands on the other issues I mentioned. If one of your senators is up for election this year do the same with him. It does not take too much time and investigation to find out who the fasciunists are. Try to get good people to run for the offices and then vote out the scum that is trying to ruin the country. We HAVE to get people in the senate and congress that still believe that we should be a soveriegn nation. No matter whether your congressman and senator are a demlican or a republicrat, if they are fasciunist, vote them out. Remember, this is a Republic not a democracy, let's keep it that way.

Next week look for another subject and in the meantime, check out the survival blog.


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