This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Survival Part I

Once you have come to the realization that this country is not going to last if it stays on the road to fasciunism, and have done everything you can to stop it, joined a militia, written, voted, etc. It is time to prepare for survival, because even with all we can do, I am not sure the country is not going down anyway. For those of you who are reading this and feel that your are too old, not healthy enough, handicapped and cannot join a militia, start or join a patriot group. You can still write letters, make calls and do other non-physical duties. In fact I believe that these patriot groups should team with their local militias for both to be more effective, but that is another subject altogether. For now I am here to tell you that in the not too distant future I expect America to go under martial law. It may be blamed on more terrorism, due to rioting after a financial or some other reason contrived by the fasciunists, but it will come. At that time those of us who believe in the America the founding fathers gave us, had better be in a survival mode. We had better prepare now for the time when you need to show your papers to cross state lines and maybe even county lines. When freedom of speech is completely curtailed, at least as it pertains to the fasciunist government. Disagree with what they are doing and wind up in a detention camp, being reprogramed or worse. The fact that in a few years it will be illegal to own an animal that is considered a farm animal without registering it is now a known fact. Even the hobbyist who has two chickens or a rabbit or two will have to register their animals. The federal government will keep a running total on every animal, where it is hour to hour, who it belongs to and for what purpose. We are being lied to and told that this is to protect our health, BULL!!! The real reason for this is that when the government takes over they will know where every bit of meat is and they can control that entire spectrum of the food chain. If you are not a good little sheep, following the fasciunists willingly, you will not be able to purchase any food. This can easily be accomplished by giving out food cards and rationing the food on a per person basis. I could go on with what I see in the future, but my thoughts are only one possibility. There are many other reasons that we may need to go into a survival mode, WW III being another. First of all, get out of any large city, NOW. I know that this can be difficult, but if things go down in a hurry, martial law could be declared before you have time to move and you may then be forced to stay where you are. That good job will not be worth a thing if the fasciunists get their slimey hands on things. Try to get out into the country, it will be the safest. Learn to grow your own food, the feds may be able to track all animals in the country but they cannot track all of the produce being grown. One of the reasons I suggest the moving to the country is so that you can hunt and fish for the meat you need. Like produce, the government cannot track every wild animal and some of the best meat comes from them. When I moved to my present location that is exactly what I looked at. I have two of the five largest lakes in the state, a state park, a 46,000 acre National Wildlife Refuge, a 40,000 acre state wildlife refuge and two major rivers within 12 miles of my house. All of these areas are open to public hunting and fishing. I also have five acres, mostly wooded. I feel this leaves me in pretty good shape to fend for myself when the ship hits the sand. Start gardening so that when it happens you can just increase and grow all your own. If you do not know how, learn to can so that you can use the excess when growing season is over. Have a good water supply. I am putting in a second well which will be outfitted with a hand pump. This is so that when the fasciunist government tells the power company to shut me off because I have been a bad boy, I can still get water. It may also be that I will not be able to pay my energy bill.


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