This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

If Not War, What?

A total all out war is not the only thing that could allow a major takeover by the one world fasciunists. A major financial collapse in this country would cause such a world wide panic that it would give them the perfect opportunity to take over. With the government attempting to take over our lives from cradle to grave, and a great majority of the population going along with it, this would give them the chance to do it completely. Due in a great part to the fasciunist media, people would no longer go along with being poor the way they did in the early thirties. With Alan Greenspan leaving the Fed scene, the next chairman may be the one to be the patsy and let the economy go. Greenspan did many things that were either illegal or very close to it to keep this country from falling into a major depression. In the meantime, most of our manufacturing moved overseas. With GM closing a number of plants and now Ford announcing the closing of fourteen plants and the layoffs of 30,000 employees, things do not look good. That number is not the total of the layoffs it will cause. There will be probably half again that many laid off from the companies that supply Ford. This is true of the shutdowns that GM will be making also. Where are all of the jobs going to come from in the next four or five years? There are not enough McDonalds and convenience stores in the country to absorb all of the people that will be laid off. Should a major depression take place, you woud not see bread lines and people doing without. What you probably would see is mass rioting in the cities and people roaming the countryside to steal what they could from the rural people that grow their own food. People are no longer willing to work and take fewer material things. When you look at hurricane Katrina you know what I mean. While their neighbors were dying and praying to be rescued, a number of people were looting. They were not just taking the food they needed to survive, they were stealing high priced electronics and other items. They had no electricity or anything else, so I have no idea what they thought they would do with their loot. That is the mentality of a lot of today's Americans, "If a disaster happens, do not help the people in need, steal what they have that you might want". It is a sad commentary on where the fasciunist government and fasciunist media have led the sheep. Should all of these riots break out, the National Guard could be called out, martial law declared, the constitution suspended and elections suspended. Another thing that could take place is to do what Hitler did in Germany and what FDR did here in the U.S. That would be to take the country into and all out wartime economy. Drafting enough of the youth to fight various wars while putting the vacant plants in this country to work making war products. This would cause full empoloyent. It has worked in the past and it has also been used to make an Imperial president for life, FDR. Another scenario, less likely but possible, is an all out offensive on the 2nd amendment. All they need to do is to have the fasciunist media convince the sheep that there would be less terrorism or less rioting or whatever else they could think of and start taking our arms away from us. While that may sound ludicrous, it worked right after the OK City bombing. No guns were used by several gun laws were passed in the aftermath. This would probably (and should) cause an open rebellion, once again calling for the use of martial law and the use of the military to put it down. The fasciunists know as well as you and I that the 2nd amendment is there to help prevent the takeover of the country by a despotic government. The can read the founder's intent and understand it, they just will not admit it. They use newspeak to change the meaning of what the founding fathers wrote. Hitler confiscated all of the guns in Germany and it worked. While I believe the fasciunists know that they need to do it in this country, it is not going to be as easy as it was in Germany. All three of these things could play out together, throwing this country into total chaos. Should none of this work for the one worlders, they will simply continue to insidiously undermine the constitution until the feel it will work. My feeling is they think the time is soon.


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