This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Foreign Policy

The United Nations, being a communist inspired, communist run organization aids and abets all of these things. They hope to be the head of the one world government so they go along with these fascist tactics of this and some other countries, believing that all of these countries will fall under their rule in the one world government. The big lie, after all, is the mainstay of fascism. Hitler said, "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed. This is the way the one worlders are trying to take over our country. Their aim is the one world government, run by them and for them. They will use any means at their disposal to obtain their goal. Thus, they use nationalist fascism to promote internationalism. While it sounds to many like a contradiction, it sure seems to be working. In our foreign policy you will also find facist tactics. This has been very obvious since about the Bush the elder administration. It has continued down through the Clinton and the Bush the younger administrations. Back under Bush the elder, Iraq was told either you do what we tell you or we will bomb you into oblivion. Iraq was supposidly making weapons with which to protect itself and that was a bad thing to the fasciunists. It was also reported that the Kurds were being treated badly under Sadam and this had to stop. While nothing was ever proved, millions of dollars worth of bombs were dropped killing many civilians and ruining much infrastructure in the country. Rules were then arbitrarily laid down as to what could go on in this country. They were told where they could fly, where they could go, what they could do and if the rules were not followed, bombing would continue: and it did. All of this in a tiny sovereign country that was starving and in great need of medical aid. The United States made it illegal for anyone to give aid to Iraq. Millions of people were allowed to die of disease and starvation and the great United Nations went along with this fascist plan. Hitler should have had it so good. Exit Bush the elder (republicrat) and enter Clinton (demlican). Now we go into Kosovo and Yugoslavia and tell them what to do. We went into a sovereign country and told its president, "Give the Albanians what they want. It may be your country, but we think that the Albanians are right". We took sides in a civil war that was none of our business. This war was between
Yougoslavia's Serbian army and the Chinese backed Kosovo Liberation Army. This was a civil war in a sovereign country and none of our business. In newspeak we were told that this was ethnic cleansing and must be stopped. As if ethnic cleansing is something new. While it may or may not be evil, it has been going on as long as history has been recorded. Go back to the old testament of the Bible and you will find that after the Isrealites fled from Egypt they went into other countries and totally eliminated the people that lived there. That is ethnic cleansing. The ethnic cleansing did not stop there. 1947 found the Jews going into what is now Isreal and driving out the Palistinians who had held the land for over three thousand years. All over Africa and parts of Asia, ethnic wars are still going on. We have never gotten involved in those, why Yougoslavia? Isreal is out favorite ally, yet they are constantly ethnically cleansing their country. They want Isreal to be 100% Jewish. Why do we not take action? Could the be because of the large amount of Jews in the U.S. and their lobbying groups, both legal and illegal? Could it be because Isreal and the Jews are as much behind the fasciunist one world government drive as anyone? Who are we and the Jews to tell any other sovereign nation how to live?


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