This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Imperial Presidency IV

The imperial presidency has been created for a purpose. The financial leaders and the major media have made all of this seem normal, like it is what the American people want. Once again go back to Clinton's presidency. When he bombed the asprin factory, we were originally told that it was a front for the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons. It was supposedly run by a super terrorist that was behind the bombing of two of our embassies. Banner headlines abounded and it was the lead story on the evening news, stating what a wonderful thing it was, giving our imperial president credit for rapid reaction to terrorism and doing something about it. He was lauded and applauded for his quick action by the media around the country. But then, guess what, observers from several other countries found that indeed the bombed facility was a pharmaceutical firm, that there was no evidence of chemical or biological weapons being made there, that the bombing left millions of that countries citizens without their desperately needed drugs. Then the media was silent, no big stories, no condemnation, nothing. The story was swept under the rug and we moved on to the next story. Clinton and the media just hoped that the American people would forget. Do you know what? Most of the couch potato sheep did. When 9-11 took place and G.W. went to war in Afganistan, he was lauded and applauded. We did not go after just the terrorist and his followers that caused this, (if in fact they did) we went after a whole country, innocent and guilty alike. The media and the sheep were all for it. The thousands of innocents that were killed were simply collateral damage. To this day that terrorist has not been found, so we just keep fighting and killing. When we went into Iraq, we went to rid it of a dictator and all of his weapons of mass destruction. While the dictator was finally taken, the WMD have not and will not be found. There were and are none. Is our imperial president being blamed for all of this? Not really, the blame is being shifted to the intellegence community and other advisors. This is so all of the new unconstitutional laws can be passed, to give the intellegence agencies more power over the people and the media goes along with it. Another reason for the success of the impeial presidency lies with the American people themselves. There is a large segment of the population that is filled with greed and apathy. They do not care about what goes on in the rest of the world. They do not really even care what goes on in this country as long as they have a dollar in their pocket. One of the most frequent comments I heard during Clinton's impeachment went something like this: "Who cares what he did? The economy is good, I am making money and living good. Let the man alone and let him do what he wants to." I heard it so often from so many people that I had a hard time controlling my anger. This is what the fasciunist like to hear. This is what the communists said they would do to this country. This will turn the imperial presidency into a total dictatorship.


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