This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Media VIII/Sports

When we move into the area of sports, we find another problem, especially when it comes to professional sports. Where once sports were a simple diversion from day to day trials and tribulations, they have become an all consuming national frenzy. The medium of television has pushed sports so hard that it is hard to turn on a tv set and not be able to see a sporting event of some type. If you have cable or satellite tv you will have several different events to choose from. There is such a mania among some peope that they will miss work, church, doctors appointments and anything else to see their favorite team play. These are not participant sports, but spectator sports, where some poor slob making twelve thousand dollars a year is convinced he needs to take a day off work to watch a bunch of grown men playing children's games and making twelve MILLION dollars a year. This is how brain-washed some people have become due to paying attention to too much advertising. Also, it is no longer just the chip eating, beer swilling, couch potato male that is hooked on these sports. Many women are just as avid about them as the men are. I am definately not against sports. I think that sports are a good teaching tool, a good recreation and an enjoyable pastime. I participated in sports in school, in the service and in the community afterward and listened to sports on radio and tv. I participate less now that I am older but have also cut down on my watching. I will occasionally watch or listen to a professional baseball of football game, but only if I cannot do anything else intelligent. If I miss a game, whether it be the world series or the super bowl, it does not bother me. I never even watch things like golf, tennis, cricket, rugby, etc., etc. Most people that are the most avid about watching all forms of sports are not even the type that participate. That is what the fasciunist government and the fasciunist media want, a country of spectators and not participants. The advertisers continue to tell these people what they should want. This keeps them from thinking about politics or anything else that might wreck the fasciunists plans for this country. You see, if these people ever decided to participate in sports, they might decide to participate in other things, such as politics and that would spell trouble for the fasciunists. Look at professional sports from the top down. You have super wealthy owners who go on tv and whine and cry that the city and state will not give them money to build a new stadium. They whine and cry some more and threaten to move their team out of the area, to a city that is stupid enough to build a stadium at taxpayers expense. Most of the time it works and the taxpayers cave in and build the stadium for the owner. This is ludicrous. These men are in business to make money. If they need a new stadium to be able to make that money, they should be able to finance it or pay for it themselves. I have owned several businesses and no one ever built a new building for me or paid me to stay in their town. The taxpayers build the stadium, the owners raise the ticket prices, they raise the concession prices, the raise parking fees and the fans (TAXPAYERS) are the ones who have to pay those prices too. This is a very lucrative business because it keeps expanding. More and more teams are formed and there is never a shortage of super rich wanting to own a team. The price paid for these teams keep going up too, but that does not matter either. When it comes to a sports team the sky is the limit. The suckers (fans, taxpayers) will make the super rich owner a profit.


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