This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Media III

Radio news, what there is of it, is not quite as bad as TV. On most commercial radio stations, news is almost non-existent. This is especially true of FM stations. Some of them might give you headlines once an hour and some of them do not even bother to do that. there are so-called all news stations. These are somewhat better, but still do not give you much hard news. Much of their day is spent giving sports, entertainment, cooking tips, travel tips ane other things that cannot really be considered news. While these things have a place on an all news station, they are given more time than the news. You also have the choice of listening to public radio. This is where the liberal fasciunists get their news. The only possibility of getting news on the radio is if you own a short-wave. Listen to the BBC (British Broadcasting Company) or any of a dozen other country's outlets and you will soon see how American news is being slanted. Even Voice of America has a lot more news than commercial stations. Why do our fasciunist leaders think that people in foreign countries need to know more news then Americans. Could it be that we are being kept in the dark intentionally? All news items on commercial stations are encapsulated. We are given a headline and maybe a ten second sound bite and there it is left. By using the correct sound bite, we can be left thinking exactly what the media wants us to think. By never going into depth, we are always left not knowing what is behind the news stories. This is what the fasciunists want, to control the information we get, thus controlling our thinking. While newspapers are probably our best source of news provided by the major media, they still leave a lot to be desired. A large metropolitan daily paper can carry a multitude of stories. They can also cover these stories in depth. The real problems are that reporters are all trying to be editorialists and editors will not print various subjects. There is very little straight forward reporting, just laying out the facts and letting us make our own decisions. There are certain subjects that seem to be taboo. When events occur in other countries that might make America look bad, it is never written about. They do not want us to know what the rest of the world thinks of us. The subject of the Bilderberg group is never touched by the "regular" press. One would think that when a large number of the worlds movers and shakers get together to discuss world problems and how they should be solved, the press would be right there hanging onto every word. Instead we get deadly silence. The reason being that these are the leading fasciunists that control much of the worlds finances and they tell their lap-dog media what to print. Some of them actually are owners of the newspapers that we would expect to print the news. What are they hiding and why? While newspapers of a pretty good medium, probably the best of the fasciunist controlled media, they could be much better. They need independence from fasciunist control.


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