This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Media

When I talk about the media, I include what passes for the entertainment industry today. They have become so closely related that sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. This is especially true of TV news, where everything depends on ratings, but overflows into other media as well. No matter which media you choose, the news you get will be slanted. What should be a straightforward news story is slanted to fit the politically correct version of things. Newspeak is used almost exclusively, and every reporter becomes an interperter of the news rather than just simply a reporter. Sometimes you cannot blame the reporter because their boss may tell them that a story cannot be printed if it contains a truth the media does not want known. While each medium is different, they all promote one thing: the replacement of our American culture with a multi-culture of anything goes, no individual responsibility, America is always at fault mentality. Much of the time the media is government's mouthpiece, telling us exactly what the government wants us to know. This is especially true when we have leftist, liberals in charge of things. When you have conservatives in charge the stories are slanted against them. This is simply a ploy that is easily seen through. TV, radio, newspapers and news magazines are all guilty of the same thing, trying to dumb down the American people. TV is the worst of the lot. Getting all of your news from TV, as many Americans do, is probably worse than not getting any news at all. Watch the evening news and you will get almost nothing from it. Ten of the thirty minutes are devoted to commercials, leaving twenty minutes for "news". About four or five minutes are devoted to hard news. The rest of the news is devoted to sports, entertainment, medicine and other fluff pieces. Normally only one or two major news stories are covered in what they call "depth". Their depth tends to be both shallow and frivolous. They are also slanted to the left's particular idea of right and wrong. When Slick Willie Clinton was running the war in Kosovo, we could do no wrong over there. With G.W. running the war in Iraq, we only hear the bad news, none of the good. While I think that both of these wars were morally wrong for this country, that is not the way the media plays it. When Clinton bombed an asprin factory, there was no loud clamor from the media. When Clinton was up for impeachment, what did the media dwell on? The sex angle of the case because in entertainment, sex sells. Many people I talked to did not know he was accused of lying, perjury and obstruction of justice. They thought he was brought up on the oral sex charge and said we should stay out of his private life. This is exactly what the media preached and wanted us all to believe. They continued trying to break down the American moral code. We were asked to believe, according to Clinton and his lap dog media, that oral SEX was not a sex act. When Clinton made the asinine state that, "It depends on what your definition of is, is" no one in the media took him to task for it. The more you watch the news on TV the less you know what is really going on in the world.


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