This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Morals and Responbsibility II

A lot of the no morals, no blame started in the sixties with the so called "sexual revolution". Many people do not even realize how much has changed. They grew up in this morality, or lack thereof, and know nothing else. Those of us old enough to remember the "old" morality, have become so inured to the new that we have either forgotten what it was like or many have accepted the new as just part of life. The only people who still attempt to practice the old fashioned morality are many Christians. The fasciunist press and their cohorts have a good time making fun of these "unlearned, unwashed, ignorant" masses. What they do not want people to know is that the Christians are right. This country was founded on these moral principles. Let us take a look at how some things have changed and how the fasciunists are using them to further their cause. First; abortion. This is a subject that I remember arguing in the sixties.When I said abortion was murder of a baby and was wrong, I was told that it was a woman's right to do with her body as she pleased and it was none of my business. I was also told that it was not a baby but a fetus (fasciunist newspeak). Besides, abortions would be limited to first trimester and then mostly in cases of rape, incest or if the mother's life was in danger. When I would ask what they would think when a woman had the right to an abortion from moment of conception to moment of birth, I would get laughed at and told, "That could never happen in America". Here is a scenario to look at: Two women get pregnant the same day. They are no both seven months pregnant. One woman has a premature baby that is slightly deformed. The second woman finds out that her baby may also be deformed so she has an abortion. Can the first woman now kill her baby as it is exactly the same age as the "fetus" that was killed? The fasciunists in government, in our court system and in the media and entertainment industry have made this possible. What ever happened to women and girls who did not want babys, taking the responsibility of not getting pregnant? What about men and boys not getting a female you are not married to pregnant? What happened to marrying the female you got pregnant and raising the child? What happened to being responsible for the child you created? That goes for both male and female. Calling a baby a fetus does not change the fact that murder is still murder. A human life is a human life. The fact that the baby is the wrong gender, will interfere with my lifestyle, cannot be afforded, does not belong to my husband but to one of my many boyfriends and I am not even sure which, is not perfect or any of the other reason for an abortion does not make it right. The faciunists tell us, "If it feels good do it, and there is no need to accept responsibility". This makes murder okay. Maybe in their book, but not in mine.


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