This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Racism VI

Still looking at racism we may want to take a look at some other things. Take the black holiday called Kwanza. Here is a holiday that was invented a few years ago by a black that was in prison for beating up women. It was invented to take the place of Christmas and as a slap in the face to white Christians. We are told that we should learn more about it and how and why it is celebrated. As it takes place during my most important Christian holiday, I do not believe that I need to give up what I believe to follow some pagen religion. For this I am called racist. Many American cities now spend more money on Cinco de Mayo (Mexican Independence Day) than they do on U.S. Independence Day. And because I will not celebrate with the Mexicans I am called a racist. We Americans are supposed to change our thinking, our beliefs and our very lives or else we are called racist. Then we have inter-racial marriage. When we breed animals we always look for purity of the breed. We want a pedigree that goes back many generations. Now, as Americans, we are told that we are racists if we do not endorse and support inter-racial marriage. We are being told that we are less than animals, that we do not need to be a pure strain. The only ones that can get away with keeping their race pure is the Jews, all the while calling the rest of us racists if we do not agree with the inter-racial marriage. Inter-racial affairs and even marriages have probably always been around. Just as dogs that breed do not really care what the other dog is, these people do not care. What do you get when dogs of different breeds mix? Mongrels. To sum up racism: you can be proud to be black, you can be proud to be hispanic, you can proud to be an American Indian, you can be proud to be Jewish, but you better not be proud to be white. That makes you a racist. If you are white you must hate the white race and the fact that you are white. You must do all you can to bring the white race to its knees while lifting up the other races. You must help with the demise of the white race or you are a racist. Well, I guess I need to plead guilty, I am proud to be white. If that makes me a racist, so be it. As I said at the beginning, racist is just a word brought to this country by a German facist. It is now being used by fasciunists to bring about world wide communism.
Immigration pretty much fall into the same category. We have to be for all immigration, legal and illegal or we are considered xenophobeic. While America has always welcomed immigrants, we had laws and rules and these were to be followed. Now it seem like instead of a melting pot we are supposed to be a tossed salad. I will finish this subject in the next post.


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