This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Finance II

Suppose a local group of militia members met in a resort area, had some meetings, went out in the woods and did some shooting and then played paintball games. If the major controlled media got ahold of this it would be all over the papers. "Right Wing nuts shooting up the place". "Fascist conspiracy meeting". Headlines like this would be common. Yet when the Bilderberg group meet they have heavily armed guards all around, carrying fully automatic weapons and anything else they think they need to protect the elite. You never hear a word about this. Some of the richest people in the world, meeting to decide what they should to control the world and not a word in the controlled media. The reason is Money. The same monied people that are meeting also own the media. Many are members of the CFR, who a numbers of years ago, in their official magazine bragged that they had been instrumental in moving the center of banking from the US to Japan. These people are one world people and haters of America. All of the treaties such as NAFTA, GATT and the WTO are brainchildren of these people, one worlders. They are intent in bringing America down to the level of a third world nation and moving on to exploit some other country. Some of the very people in the Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and CFR are the very business people who have moved or are moving our manufacturing firms overseas. They are taking advantage of nearly slave labor to increase their profits while at the same time they are putting Americans out of work. They talk about all of the jobs that are being created in the US. The thing they fail to mention is that these are service industry jobs that pay maybe half of the lost factory jobs with no benefits. This country cannot live on service industry jobs and I will get into that in my next post.


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