This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lost Rights

The seventh amendment is kind of hard for me to pinpoint as to what rights are being violated. I question whether civil lawsuits should be brought after a person is found not guilty by a jury in a criminal case. This has become quite common now. The eighth is abused all the time. You see, it depends on your interpetation of excessive or cruel and unusual. The government can now do as they please just by slightly redefining the words. After all, if you can have a president who can say that something depends on what your difination of "is" is, the government can pretty much define words as they choose. The ninth amendment simply that the founders felt that we had many other "rights" that were not laid down in print and that the government should respect them too. This fasciunist government of ours does not even respect the rights that the founders wrote out in plain english, so why would anyone think that they would respect any other rights. The fasciunists believe that rights are something that they can give or take away. They do no realize that a right is something that we are born with. No one can give you a right, they can only garuntee that you can keep it. On the other hand, rights can be taken away. that is called SLAVERY. The America I grew up in does not exist. The rights I had are slowly being taken away. In my next post I will talk about the tenth amendment and show how the givernment is slowly stripping away our rights piece by piece.


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