This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fifth Amendment

You wil notice that I skipped the 4th amendment. This one has, up to now been left pretty much alone. The fifth, however, has been pretty much trashed. There are so many ways in which this has been trashed that it is even hard for me to know where to start. One part is the part that says that private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation. Well, now according to our supreme court, private property can even be taken for private use and some so called judge gets to say what just compensation is. Then ther is the confiscation of property for various reasons such as drug dealing. Property is confiscated and sold even before it is known whether the property belongs to a drug dealer or if it was simply used without the owners consent. You are guilty by association and cannot get your property back. It is a cash cow for the government agencies. Remember the fascist states of the last century, property was privately held but controlled by the state. And they call me a right wing fascist when I say that I believe in the constitution. Remember fascisim is on the left. It is just one short step from telling you that they will decide which private party is going to own the land to the telling of all of us that the government knows better and will now OWN all land. The part about not being tried for the same offence twice has also been pretty much elimininated. If you are found innocent and they want a guilty verdict, they simply make up some "new evidence" and try you as second or even a third time. New "facts" are made up and a person has to stand trial until the verdict of guilty is reached. More on the fifth next time.


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