This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Most of our founders felt that polical parties would be a detriment to the type of government they were instituting. What started out as the Whigs and Tories ended up as Democrats andRepublicans. As the party lines became more and more blurred the lqabels liberal and conservative were thrown about. These are not accurate as the are defined in the dictionary. For instance: a liveral reading of the second amendment would give anyone other than a criminal the right to own any weapon they wished. That is definately not the view of today's liberals. I call the two parties the DEMLICANS and the REPUBLICRATS. The founders wanted a limited form of government. What we have today is anything but limited. Laws passed by congress and signed by the president are handed off to one of the myriad of federal bureaucracies that abound to be interpreted and enforced. We are now being governed by a bunch of unelected gevernment employees whose only worry is that their job will be eliminated. Take a look at some: DOD, DOT, IRS, FBI, OEO, EPA, OSHA, BATF and on and on. The communists and fascists used the same methods, remember the KGB or the Gestapo. Many of the laws enforced by these agencies are unconstitutional and the agencies themselves are probably unconstitutional. Why this type of government here in America? I believe it is because most politicians are cowards and do not want to own up to the laws they pass, and their only real concern is getting re-elected. When they turn the laws over to some faceless, nameless bureaucrat they can say, "Gee that is not what I intended for the law to do". Sure Pinnochio, and now it is time for your nose job. You never really cared how the law was enforced. The real problem here is the people, those who are supposed to vote. I will take this up more in the next post.


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