This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Tenth Amendment

The tenth amendment to the constitution says: "The powers not selegated to the U.S. by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively , or to the PEOPLE". Here is where the fascist portion of our government really shows. Gun laws, hate crime laws, drug laws, unfunded mandates, all of these are unconstitutional according to the 10th amendment. If there is a poll showing that something would be popular, congress and the president make it law. That is not the way a constitutional republic works. Even in a true democracy, the people would need to vote. Because of the changes in the way things are done today versus when the founding fathers wrote the constitution, the politicians use the inter-state commerce clause to pass all types of laws. Also in a very unconstitutional way the supreme court has become a law making unit of its own. Things such as the government being able to take away land from one party and give it to another party because the second party will be paying more taxes is pure fascism. Yet our own supreme court has seen fit to give this right tio government. Both fascists and communists just do what they want to disregarding any written constitutions. While fascism is gaining in rulings like the land issue, communism is gaining in other ways such as the financial portion. The fact that the tenth amendment says that we HAVE these God given rights and our government says that they will let us know what our rights are, should tell anyone that we are living in fasciunism. Next post I will start to cover the real politics of this country.


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