Courts II
The courts wish to make laws rather than enforce them. Many judges are appointed for life and know thqt the chance of their being impeached is minimal. They change the meaning of words so that they can rule in a way in which they want to, regardless of the intent of the law. A good example is when the right to an abortion was made constitutional. I see no such right in the constitution. This was just something made up by a bunch of fasciunists to be able to control more people. I remember at the time it was being argued in the courts and all of the liberals saying that it was a great thing. They changed the word from baby to fetus so as not to sound too cruel. The people who were in favor of it said it was only in the first trimester and the "fetus" was not yet alive, and besides, it was to protect the life of the mother. When I asked them what they would say when instant of conception to moment of birth abortions were common, I was laughed at and told "This is America, that could never happen here". When I go back to these people now they make some sort of excuse and still claim it is the mother's right. When I ask them about post birth abortion, killing the baby after it is born, they look at me like I am nuts and give me the same line about this being America and it not happening. All I can do is point to China where babies are being killed every day because they are the wrong gender and remind them that they said the same thing about third trimester abortions. As you can see, we are being ruled by an out of control congress, that makes laws and gives them to faceless bureaucrats to enforce. These laws are then ruled on by a court system that does exactly what it wants to do, regardless of the constitution. When lower courts make asinine rulings, only those wealthy enough can continue to appeal. And many times this does not help as the higher courts, including the supreme court, are just as fasciunist as the lower courts.
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