This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The third branch of government may be the biggest usurper of the constitution. This branch of government was deemed necessary to interpret laws and protect the constitution. Now they make new laws and re-invent the constitution. As you can see I am talking about the judiciary. The court system and the judges had very narrow parameters when set up by our founders. The congress was supposed to make laws and appoint judges to see that these laws were upheld. The judges were supposed to seek the intent of the law and rule accordingly. In today's world that is not how it works.Most judges today make rulings that have little or nothing to do with the intent of laws. The intent of the law becomes whatever that judge deems it to be. They feel that they have the power to change the intent of a law to mean the exact opposite of what the congress meant when they passed the law. Judges vehemently insist that people on a jury have no right to rule on the fairness of any law. They stifle the jury's rights so that they can impose their own values on the law. The federal court and the supreme court are the worst about legislating from the bench. They have interpeted the constitution to mean things that the founders never meant it to. Congress could but will not do anything about these judges. Congress says that the judiciary is seperate and they cannot do much about it. That is a copout. They just do not want to do anything about it. This kind of thinking gets them off the hook. They can say, "Well that is not what we intended when we made the law" or "We do not think that is what the founders meant in the constitution, however this is a living changing document and the court know best. BULL!! The truth is that all of these fasciunists are all in bed together. They want the power to control people and they do not care how they get it. Whether they get it by passing new laws or by the courts giving it to them, matters not.


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