This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


The world of high finance is the controlling factor in the fasciunist movement. Through Bilderberg, the trilateral commission, the CFR and other less well known organizations, they control what happens. These are the very wealthy and very powerful people of banking, industry and politics. The government they really want is communist in nature. They hope to bring a one world government of this type about. Here in the U.S. where we still have a few perceived freedoms, communism does not play well. For this reason the financiers of the world have decided on the fasciunistic approach. They feel that by using the big lie nationalist approach the can turn this country first to national socialism and then to communism. Because most citizens are gullible, want something for nothing and believe their leaders, I feel that they are succeding. Follow the money and you will find some interesting facts. One, the big bankers and the other big money finance both political parties. By financing both parties and being active in both, these bankers can control the government no matter which party seems to win the election. The major, "controlled", media acts as though organizations like the Bilderberg do not even exist. Yet some of the world's richest, most influential people meet each year, in secret, behind closed doors, to discuss how the world should run and how to attain that goal. Why are these meetings not reported on when there are even newspaper owners and anchor people there along with bankers, politicans, royalty and many other wealthy, powerful people. Much more on this in my next couple of posts.


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