This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Racism IV

The Asian race is here for many reasons. The Chinese were brought here as coolies to build the railroads, the Hmongs are here because of the help they gave us during the Viet Nam war and others are here for other reasons. I have no problem if these people are here legally. Where I have the problem is when I say that I feel that if these people want to live in this country and enjoy the fruits of America, they should learn our language and traditions. That is when I get called racist and told that they have every right to keep their own identity. That is when the fasciunists start throwning around the term multi-culturalism. What ever happened to the melting pot? The last country that decided to go multi-cultural was the Roman Empire and you know what happened to them. The American Indians have this country right where they want it thanks to the fasciunists. They are considered soveriegn nations and yet they want to enjoy full rights under our constitution. We are told by the fasciunists that it is due to the fact that we took their country by force that we owe them all of this special treatment. BULL! Almost every country in exestance has been taken by force at some time in history. In 1947 the Jews forcibly took over land from the Arabs. Do they treat the Arabs like we treat the American Indian? Not hardly. The treaties that were signed with various tribes are being interpeted in ways that were never meant to be. I have read through a couple of the treaties and see nowhere that gives them the right to run gambling casinos. They are taking literally billions of dollars out of the hands of Americans that otherwise would be used productively. And as for being Native Americans, I believe that anyone that was born in America of legal citiznens of America, is a native
American. If I was born here and my parents were born here and I am not a native American, what country am I native to. But according to the fasciunists, that is a racist statement. Now that I have set myself up to be called a racist by every race and every white, liberal, fasciunist in the country, I might as well add anti-semitism to the mix. You see, when you say anything against ANY Jew you are a racist to the fasciunists and an anti-semite to the Jews. It does not matter if you are telling the truth or not, it is racist and anti-semitic to say anything bad about any Jew. If a Jewish person kills someone and you call that person a killer, you have just made a racist and anti-semitic statement. I do not have time today to get into the Jewish part of rascism, so I will continue this on the next post.


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