This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Racism II

Do I believe that whites are better than blacks? Hispanics? Asians? American Indians? Not really, I just believe that we are different and I am also proud to be white. By being proud to be white the fasciunists and other liberals label me a racist or a white supremicist. Look at what is happening in the country today. More than 200 years ago blacks were brought to this country as slaves. They were sold to white slave traders by BLACK AFRICAN slave traders. Yet it is the whites that are blamed for slavery. While I or no one in my family has ever owned a slave, I am told that because I am white I owe reparations. We have already lost many of our freedoms due to affirmative action, quotas and other laws favoring blacks. The same people who are complaining that their ancestors were slaves and want us to pay them for it do not seem to realize that they would be in Africa were it not for slavery. When you look at the aids epedemic, the poverty, the tribal wars, the starvation and all of the other things in Africa now, you wonder at these people's thinking. Would they really prefer being in Africa rather than in America? I do not see many getting in line to leave. Hispanics are another ethnic group which feels that they are not treated fairly. In the first place many of them are here illegally, which is a subject we will take up on another post. What I find really interesting is that right now in New Orleans there is a racial debate going on between the blacks and the hispanics. The black mayor is complaining loudly that all of the jobs in the rebuilding of the city are going to hispanics. He and the black population of the city believe that these jobs should go to blacks. I have some questions about this. Are blacks applying for the jobs? Have enough blacks returned to N.O. to fill these positions? Is it a case of the blacks not wanting to take the jobs because it might jeprodize their food stamps and welfare checks? Are the hispanics here legally? If they are not they should be arrested and sent back to Mexico. It is very interesting to me that the two races that complain most about being mistreated are now fighting with each other. I have not yet heard anything from our faciunists in politcs or their faciunist lapdog press. It will be interesting to see which sid they come down on. More on racism next post.


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