This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first use of the word racism in this country was by an American facist, Lawerence Dennis, in 1936. The word itself seems to have come from a Jewish-German scientist and author around 1933 or 1934. Does it not seem strange to anyone that a word that came from Germany in the thirties, that came from a German Jew, that was first used in this country by a known facist, would become the number one catchword for the politically correct? My feeling is that these types of words are being used by the fasciunists as a starting point for what might be termed a tribal war. It is a type of ethnic cleansing with the ethnics to be cleansed being those of white European decent. If you look around real close, you can see the results of it every day. America was meant by its founders to be a white, homogeneous, english speaking nation. Prior to the sixties, the great mqjority of white citizens were what would now be called racist. Many would now be called white supremacists. What is a white supremacist anyway? In today's world of politically correct world of newspeak, you do not need to believe that you are superior to the black race to be labeled a supremacist, you simply need to show white pride. The politically correct crowd and their lapdog media have bastardized the english language to the point where no matter what you believe, they can accuse you of something. All of our presidents through Eisenhower were known to hold q view that America was a white nation and there was no mention of multi-culturalism or multi-racialism. Many other leaders and notables of the past believed that this was a white nation. Writers like Jack London (an avowed socialist), Walt Whitman and Mark Twain made references to it. These presidents, politicians, leaders and writers are now either eliminated from the history books or their views are severely criticized or hily distorted. One of the best examples of how this is done is the inscription in side the monument of Thomas Jefferson, one of our greatest Americans ever. The portion of the inscription that is in the history books and that is constantly quoted is; "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people (the Negros) shall be free." That is only half the inscription. The second half reads; "nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government." This is how the politically correct anti-white fasciunists and their controlled media treat great Americans. They omit, lie and change statements to serve their own purpose. More in my next post.


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