This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Finance V

Back in 1913 congress turned our money over to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). This was an unconstitutional act as the constitution gives congress and only congress the power to coin money. Actually the FRB is not federal as it is not part of the government, it has no reserve and I am not even sure it would qualify as a bank. I would consider it more of a holding company. The whole idea of a FRB is basded on a conspiracy and a lie. While many people laugh at the idea of a conspiracy, it is the only thing that fits. What else would you call a group of very wealthy men and some from the government, meeting secretely on an island to decide what to do with the money of the people of a country? This is how the FRB came to be. Now the FRB decides how much money is needed by the country and instruct our mints to print it. They then lend it to our government, (that is us), at interest. The United States is required to stand behind that fiat money. This means that these mega-bankers have everything to gain and nothing to lose. They get the interest from the money and when things go bad we the taxpayers pick up the pieces. How do we do that? By the fed lending us even more money at interest. Taxes are another way that the one world, fasciunist government has of taking over. Well over fifty percent of out money goes to taxes; state, federal and local. While the government and their controlled lap dog media will tell you it is only about forty percent of your income, it is closer to sixty or sixty-five percent. The do not really tell an outright lie, it is an obfuscation. They tend to leave out things lice license fees, user fees, etc. They say that these things are fees not taxes. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck. Any fee that we pay to a government body for services rendered is a TAX. Many people feel that businesses and corporations should be taxed more. This is just a shifting of the tax to a place where you do not know you are paying it. The businesses and corporations just consider these higher taxes a cost of doing business and pass the added cost on to the purchaser of their product. They may even add a little more than the tax for a little extra profit. In the end, no matter where the taxes are collected, the consumer, the "little people", the "unwashed masses", pay them. All of this causes debt, which I will cover in my next posting. For information on my idea of investing, go to I have several postings there on investing.


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