This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Racism V

While many or maybe even most Jews are fasciunists and when it suits their purpose the choose to be call white, when you are questioning them about their ideas, they all of a sudden become semites. While the Jews preach multi-culturalism and try to appear politically correct, they are one of the most homogeneous groups in this country. They tell their children to marry only other Jews, they form close knit groups, live in Jewish neighborhoods and send their children to Jewish schools. Most Jews consider themselves citizens of Isreal first and America second. They may have been born here and never even have visited Isreal, yet they consider it their home country. Disagreeing with a Jew will get you called an anti-semite. I have been called an antisemite for stating that Stalin, with the help of Jews, killed more Christians that Hitler killed Jews. I have been called anti-semite for suggesting that there might not have been six million Jews killed during the holocaust, that some of the people were of other races. I have even been called an anti-semite for suggesting that there have been other holocausts in the world that should be looked at. While Americans had nothing to do with the holocaust, in fact we were the ones that helped to free the Jews that were still being held, we are still blamed because some of us are of European decent. We are told that because of this we need to give the Jews special privelages. The Jews that attain places of power in politics, the media, government, entertainment and the banking business, mouth the fasciunist line right down to the last letter. What is more, there are a disporportinate number of Jews in these fields according to their percentage of America. At the same time that they say they believe America should be a multi-cultural country, they want Isreal backed as one of the strictest single culture country in the world. They want nothing bad said about Isreal and America is to back them no matter whether they are right or wrong. There are also many other things that are considered racism that should not be. In my next post I will look at a couple of them and then move on to a very related topic of immigration.


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