This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Morals and Responsibility

This is the one place where fasciunists are doing the most damage to America. They have taken newspeak and perpetuated more big lies. Some call it cultural communism and that may well be how it started. One of the things that we are constantly told is that you cannot legislate morality. That is a lot of pure bunk. Murder, rape, assult, battery, theft, robbery: these are all moral issues and each and every one of them has been legislated against. All of these things should be legal if morality cannot be legislated. Using newspeak and fasciunist thinking we are told that it it wrong to be immoral but being amoral is okay. How can that be? To be amoral means to have no moral code at all. If a person is amoral, they can be neither moral or immoral because they have no set parameters to go by. Now you get to set your own rules so if you decide you want to murder or rape, it is okay because you have no parameters to go by that tell you otherwise. Each person gets to set their own rules of what is right and wrong and that would lead to total anarchy. This is what the fasciunists want so they can step in and become dictators. At that point they would decide right and wrong. They would decide what rights to give us as they would completely throw out the constitution. We would have no God given rights, only government given rights. Rights that could be given and taken at a whim. Along with this lack of morals comes a complete lack of responsibility. When someone breaks one of the laws based on morality, it is never their fault. When a teenage girl gets pregnant, it is not her fault. When some robs a bank or convenience store it is not their fault. When a teenager kills their parents, it is not their fault. We have no fault divorces, no fault insurance and no fault just about everything else. You cannot correct young children when they do wrong; you might hurt their itty bitty feelings. You cannot blame adults for the wrongs they commit because they were never taught different and if they were taught different; it was the TEACHING that drove them to the life of crime. Back when the Columbine, Colorado school murders occured, not once did I hear the students that committed the crime being blamed. Parents, teachers, the school system, police, a girlfriend, the man who sold them a couple guns, psychriatrists, video games, movies, drugs and possibly some other things, but not once the youths themselves. When we go to war and invade another country and the wrong targets are bombed, it is never our fault. It happened in Kosovo when the Chinese embassy was bombed under Bill Clinton's watch. It happened and is still happening in Afganastan and Iraq when the wrong targets are hit under G.W.'s watch. That shows that fasciunism is not limited to one political party. Throw a DEMLICAN and a REPUBLICRAT into a bag, and out will come two fasciunists.


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