This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Immigration is being used by the fasciunists to attempt to bring America to its knees. We have always depended on immigration in this country. Even if you can trace your ancestors back to the Mayflower, you are a decendent of immigrants. The difference is, most white European immigrants came here legally because they were needed. I can even remember when immigrants had to be sponsored to be able to enter the country. Now is seems to me that anyone can come into the country anytime, legally or illegally. We are supposed to welcome them with open arms, even if they are illegals. We are supposed to give them welfare, teach their children, let them take our jobs because they will work for much less than minimum wage. When it comes to teaching their children, that is why many come here, to have a baby. That makes it an American citizen and the parents cannot be asked to leave. We wind up paying medical costs, schooling, welfare and all other costs on families of ten or twelve people. Here is how it works. A company decides that it does not want to pay going wages for their janitorial staff. They hire an illegal, knowing that they will get the whole family, maybe five or six people. They work them seven days a week and give them no overtime and no benifits. The total cost for the company probably comes to less than a dollar an hour per person. The family pays no taxes because they are illegal. We taxpayers still pay all their medical cost and many other costs. The family probably lives with several other families, 20 or 30 people in one apartment or trailer. The company I am talking about here is Walmart. They admitted doing this but denied that any top official knew about it. A recently released document proved that claim false. It was known about right to the top. Walmart is one of the most anti-American, fasciunistic companies in the country. They try to force companies that sell to them to move their operations overseas, usually to plants in which they are partial owners. They close their eyes to slave labor and anything else just to make more profit and to make America into a third world country. If that sounds harsh it is: however these companies and most of our government will stop at nothing to turn this country into part of the one world government that the fasciunists desire. So when it comes to immigration, I am all for it, but believe that it must be controlled. When the immigrant is illegal it means they have broken a law. To me that means they either go to jail as any American would if they broke a law, or they are deported. There should be a definate cap on the number of immigrants that are allowed. Unemployment figures and other criteria need to be used to determine the number that will not harm America. When immigrants come here they should be expected to learn our language and our customs. It should not be up to me to learn their language and customs. An example of this is the Hmongs. While they helped us in the Viet Nam war and probably deserve to immigrate here, they should also become Americans. There are many of them who have been in this country well over 20 years and still do not speak a word of english. Another thing is; if we do not close our borders, when the next terrorist attack takes place we will know right where to look: at illegal immigrants. Terrorists can come in from the north or south very easily and nothing will be done until it is too late. This is not the America the founders foresaw. This is fast becoming the America the one world fasciunists want. An America they control with an iron fist. It must not happen.


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