This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Media IV

News magazines such as Time and Newsweek should be where we go to get in-depth reporting of major news stories. While they do go into depth, many times it is about the wrong things. They like all media have turned to sports and entertainment and other frivolous stories. For Time Magazine to put Bart Simpson on their cover seems ludicrous to me. Things like this allow the fasciunists to accomplish their aims in open secrecy. They do not need to hide things, the media will do it for them. Of course, most major media is owned by fasciunists. The magazines, like the newspapers, television and radio, are lackeys to the one world fasciunists. Another thing that the major media all share in common, is their propensity to overblow and sensationalize certain stories. One example is the April 1999 school shooting in Colorado. All of the media covered this in much depth. Daily papers, weekly papers, news magazines, tabloids, radio and television. All of the TV news magazine shows did several segments on the story. The mass media gave these two young killers more publicity than 99.9% of the people will get in their lifetime. What happend next was very predictable, the copycat crimes started. The bomb threats started, guns were brought to school and things were being done just to get noticed. Everyone wanted the publicity those two killers got. Did the major media accept responsibility for any of it? Not a bit. Again, we are responsible for nothing. They said they were just doing their job. Baloney; they were sensationalizing and glamorizing the crime to increase their ratings, sell more papers or magazines or get more advertising. The motive for much of the publicity was for more gun control. A multitude of bombs were planted and you heard very little about that, only about the guns. The calls for more gun control abounded. The senate, answering the call of their fasciunist masters responded. While I listened to, watched and read about as much as I had time for (and as much as I could stand) never once did I hear mention of the over twenty laws these two broke to get what they had. Why would anyone think that one more law would have stopped them? They do not! They want our guns. Gun control is the first necessary step to any dictatorship. Stalin did it, Hitler did it and so did every other despot in the world. This shows that the major media is behind the one world fasciunist plot one hundred percent. Another good example of how the news media skew stories shows up in hurricane Katrina. The entire weeks of stories and reports centered on New Orleans. The rest of the gulf coast was largely ignored. All we were shown were thousands of blacks who had not left the city when told to, complaining loudly that the government was not there to help them. Not once was the term individual responsibility used. The government is supposed to solve everything for everybody. There were many things that could have been done by the city and the people themselves, both before and after the hurricane. This was not questioned by the major media. Everyone expects to be protected by the government from the cradle to the grave. At least that is what our lap dog media would have us believe. They did not show all of the people along the coast that had prepared for the hurricane, the people that knew that to survive they had to take responsibility for their own lives. They started showing some of the looting going on in New Orleans, but when the blacks screamed discrimination, that stopped. It seems that they could not find any whites doing the looting. They did show some whites trying to protect their property and the National Guard confiscating their weapons and leaving them defensless against the looters. They seemed to find nothing wrong with this direct violation of the constitution, but later a judge did. Little was reported about that case because the gun grabbers lost. Had it gone the other way, you can bet there would have been many stories about it.


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