This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Media VII

Now it is all over TV news about the great new movie that is just out. It is about two cowboys that fall in love. We are told that this movie is getting rave reviews. I wonder who is giving these reviews. Is it the common movie going public, or is it more of the fasciunist media? I cannot believe that the American public is giving rave reviews to a movie about gay cowboys. I know one thing, the very idea makes me sick. To me it is just another movie to make the public so inured to gays that they will be accepted. Can anyone imagine John Wayne making a movie about gay cowboys? He is probobly spinning in his grave right about now. When it comes to guns and violence, Hollywood is one of the most disingenuous groups of people in the world. While they make their living making violent, graphic, descriptive movies using guns, knives, bombs and anything else that they can to make it even more violent, they say they are against guns. They really are against guns, but only for the "common scum". That is what they think of us. They want us to support them by going to their movies and at the same time they despise us. Like the pro-gay, promiscuous, deviant sex portrayed, they are trying to desensitize us to all of this violence. They feel that if the country becomes amoral and violent enough, the government will collect all our guns and take over as a dictatorship. They are stupid enough to think that they will have free rein and help to run the country their way. Back in the fifties, Senator Joe McCarthy tried to tell Americans that both Washington, D.C. and Hollywood were filled with communists and communist sympathizers in positions of power. For this he was (and still is) demonized by the ever obedient news media. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, he should have been vindicated by the KGB files that were released. They contain information that he was right about almost everyone he accused. You will not hear much about it though, because the media that demonized him simply cannot, will not admit they were wrong. That, and the fact that the lists contained some media figures of the era. These people are now in charge, with Washington, D.C. providing the power base and Hollywood providing the money and the base to break down the country's morals. Hollywood has become a cesspool full of fasciunists. They have no idea that if and when the dictatorship comes, that they will be regulated and relegated to second class citizens. What country, fascist or communist ever let their entertainment industry have free rein? They scream now when people boycot thier products (movies, tv shows, etc.), this is mild compared to what the government would do to them if it was a dictatorship. Apparently most of them do not have the brains of a pisant.


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