This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

News Media VI

Let us take a look at a few things that both the news media and the entertainment industry do. Lesbianism and homosexuality are protrayed in movies and on television, not as the abomination there are, but merely a lifestyle. Even on the news when they are talking about gay marriage, they portray it as something good. Many times, especially in movies it is portrayed as a superior lifestyle to normal hetro-sexuality. All forms of deviant living are being protrayed as just another lifestyle. This goes back to the amorality I talked about earlier. The people that produce these shows are trying to use their medium to influence the way we think and live. Considering that they are aiming most of these shows at youngsters in their most impressionable years, I believe they are succeding. With the rest of us older people, it is just a matter of trying to make us believe that the world is changing and that we are old fashioned. They also think that if they show it often enough it will become commonplace and we will not even notice. Thus we are back to the old communist way of bringing down America. First the fasciunists had to eliminate God. They thought they pretty much had this done, especially in the media. Then along came Mel Gibson and the "Passion of Christ". Hollywood mainstream would not touch such a film. Gibson put up several million dollars of his own money and proved to them that this is what people want. The film was wildly successful and made a ton of money for Gibson. Yet, have they learned anything from it? No, they continue to crank out their regular smut. They know that they cannot slow down their trying to break down the American moral code. They also need to break up the family. This is much of why all of the media is pro gay marriage. The entertainment industry leads the way. Back when Murphy Brown had a baby out of wedlock on the TV show of the same name it was hailed on the national news. People like her and Madonna are hailed as national heroines. Single motherhood was a taboo until the fasciunists decided to use the entertainment industry and media to crush the moral code. When a homosexual or a lesbian comes out of the closet it is normally only known to a few local people. When it happens on a prime time sit-com, once again, it is national news. When a president's wife (Hillary Clinton) tells the world that parents should have no rights over children, that children should have the right to do as they please but parents are still responsibile for their action, that is even scarier. It does not take a village to raise a child, that is fascist thinking, it takes parents. The problem is as soon as these things become common, we no longer pay any attention to them and the fasciunists move along to the next step.


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