This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Imperial Presidency

The United States of America now has an imperial president, just one short step from a dictator. One of the big proofs was when the senate failed to convict William Jefferson Clinton on the articles of impeachment. That was proof that everyone in the country should have recognized. The one problem is that most of the people in this country are too busy watching tv and becoming couch potatoes. While all of the other signs have been missed for the past sixty or so years, it has now brought us an even worse imperial president. G.W. Bush has become something that I thought I would never live to see in this country. Much of the writings I have been doing in this series are from a book I published in 1999. Since then many things have gotten even worse. I have been trying to update the information as I go and occasionally I slip up. One of these slips was when I went through the first ten amendments to the constitution. I stated that the fourth amendment had not yet been trashed. That was in 1999, this is now. Since the so-called terrorist attacks of 9-11 the fourth amendment has been trashed in a much worse manner than many of the other amendments. First there was the so-called patriot act which gave the government police state powers and then along comes our imperial president G.W. and authorizes phone taps on our citizens without a court order. He has stated that it is constitutional and part of his job. What that man is full of stinks to high heaven. Nowhere in the constitution does it say he has the power to allow spying on American citizens in America. The congress never gave him that authority and for that matter cannot without amending the constitution. This imperial president has taken the power grab to a new level and if we ever intend to get back to constitutional law, G.W. should be impeached immediately. While other presidents have done some things to turn the presidency into a dictatorship, this one has accomplished it. The second world war was the last war that was legally declared, all others have been thanks to the imperial presidency. This is fasciunism at its peak. It is the old Nazi idea of tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough and people will believe it. Already people are defending G.W., saying that the patriot act and the wire tapping are needed for the security of our country. They say that fighting terrorism is different and needs different rules. Well unless we live under the rule of law there are no rules. We have rules called the constitution and they need to be followed. It does not make any difference whether we are fighting terrorism or anything else, the constitution needs to be followed. At this point in time more of the constitution is being trashed and the fasciunists would have us believe that it is legal and necessary. Remember; Anyone who would give up a little freedom for some security deserves neither freedom nor security. While that may not be the exact wording, it is close enough to what Benjamin Franklin said to get the idea. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the first presidents to grasp the power he saw available. This is the man who is quoted a saying; "In politics nothings happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way". What does that tell you about the great depression that he is credited with getting us out of? What does it say about the war (WW II) that he took us into? What does it say about his becoming the first "president for life" in the history of the United States. While this was Bill Clintons hero and role model he never got to accomplish the president for life thing. He did learn well though, and emulated FDR in many ways. G.W. while claiming to be a conservative republican is doing an even better job of being a dictator and grabbing all of that power. He has grabbed power that even FDR did not try to take. When FDR went to war at least the congress declared war on Germany and Japan. That is the constitutional way and the only constitutional way to go to war. Since FDR our fasciunist imperial presidents have not seen fit to go through congress. What is going on today is a mighty power grab by the fasciunists and something that must be stopped.


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