This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Media X/Advertising

Advertising in media has a lot to do with the breaking down of American morals. These advertising people try to tell us what we MUST have and even how we should live. the ads actually belittle the Christian American way of life. Theyt belittle real patriotism while praising deviant lifestyles. They promote a materialistic, amoral, altruistic, anti-religeous, one world society. In plain englesh, they promote fasciunisim. Materialism has become so important and pervasive that is is no longer even mentioned. The economy needs to grow, therefore, the consumer needs to consume. It is sometimes even intimated in some of the ads that not to buy is "un-American". These are the same people that are in charge of the advertising for political candidates, what shows to watch, what to eat and if they can, they will tell us how and what to think. They are very successful with most American sheep. This is why so many Americans are drowning in debt. The advertisers also try to make saving and paying cash un-American. Much of the problem is planned obselence of the products that are being advertised. Look to the electronics industry for instance. Computers, gaming systems, cell phones, etc. All of these items are obsolete the day they are put on the market. The manufacturers will continue to sell the model just out until they feel they have the market saturated and then they will bring out the "newer", "better" model that they had ready even before they started selling the current model. People who cannot afford it are told that they MUST have all of thes latest upgrades and products. I have nothing against all of the new electronic gadgets, in fact I use many of them as tools in my work. That is how I look at them, as tools. This type of advertising also becomes devious in the fact that the advertisers try to make us believe that it is un-American not to have a cell phone for emergencies, cable or satellite tv and are not on line. Now General Motors is trying to convince everyone that they hate their children if they do not have a GM car with on-star. These services add nothing to the economy, they simply circulate money, much of it un-needed credit. All of this just helps makes the bankers and other super-rich fasciunists richer. The media along with the advertising industry promotes adds against things like guns, hunting, militas, real patriotism and religion and for things like abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, lesbianism and same gender marriage. Much of the media will not air ads in opposition to these fascuinist ads. Many ad agencies and most of the media will not do ads for any group that they do not consider politically correct. Communists, feminists, tree hugging environmentalists and fasciunists and all other left wing ads are okay. Christian, patriotic, pro-American or right wing ads are not. This gives Americans who are addicted to tv a very warped sense of values. Remember, not only the large tv, radio, newspaper and entertainment companies are owned by the super rich, so are the large advertising agencies. These and the super rich bankers are in colusion to bring down this country. The owners of these large companies many times belong to the same organizations. Organizations like the Bilderberg group, Trilateral commission and the Council on Foreign Relations are all meeting places of these wealthy fasciunists and their lap-dog politicians. These are groups that are very intent on bringing down America. They would like to reduce it to third word status so that the sheep would be easier to control. Many of these men are the industrialists that are moving all of their factories offshore, mostly to China and other countries where slave labor is used. It is not only more profit that they are after, but they gladly take it, it is their hatred of America and the American way of life that drives them overseas. They cannot totally control all of us so they hate us. They are doing their best to bring America down and bring about a one-world fasciunist government.


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