This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Many of the environmentalists in this country are being duped into believing that all of this is being done for our own good and for posterity. They are the people who do not understand the real workings behind the environmental movement. They have been led to believe that the famers who work the land for a living are so stupid that they would completely ruin the land, thereby eliminating their own livlihood. Most of the backing for the environmental movement comes from large foundations. These foundations are almost always in favor of a one world government. Many of them, if not outright communist, have left wing or communist agendas.Environmentalism is not the only thing that helps the fasciunists, although it plays a large part in some of the other ploys. International trade agreements such as NAFTA and the newer agreement which is being pushed by G.W. to include all of the Americas, both North and South. The world bank and all of the other international trade agreements are also included in this. All of these trade agreements are technically treaties and are there unconstitutional in the first place. These treaties are put into place to allow the very large, very rich companies to employ slaves, pollute the environment and violate every safety rule in the book. No, not here in the U.S. , but in third world countries. It works something like this. First the EPA, OSHA and the rest of the government, fascist alphabet start telling these companies how to run themselves. These bureaucracies are a form of fascism. They are put in place to tell privtely owned companies how to run. Remember, private ownership plus government control equal fascism. Once these bureaucracies get to the point of being too oppressive for an Americasn company to show a large profit, the company moves to a country which does not have these rules. This protects the monied class and was one of the main reasons for the creation of these many treaties. I will continue to call them treaties rather than trade agreements because they all meet the definition of a treaty. The only difference is that by calling them something else, the fasciunists can get them passed without a two-third majority of the senate. This is newspeak once again rearing its ugly head. Once the companies move overseas they find that by not having to obey all of the fascist laws that they can make a much bigger profit. They now realize that there is no use waiting for the bureaucrats to force them out of the country, they leave willingly to increase their profits. When you look at the big picture you will find that all the environmental laws, all the safety laws, all the wage laws, etc. have no more bearing on these companies and are no help to the average American worker. The worker must now find another job, usually in the service industry where the wages are much lower and the hours longer and worse. These are things that are being done to bring the country down to third world level. People who lose good paying factory almost never regain the same wage level. Could this possibly be a part of the main conspiracy? It not only could be, it probably is. A conspiracy does not necessarily have to outline every step of the plan. Many things can be left open and when a good opportunity arises it is immediately taken advantage of. When people of this country were coerced into starting to worry about the environment and trying to do something about it, the conspirators took advantage of it. Instead of just sneaking in a few things, they fully financed it and took it international.


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