This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What Next?

Thus far everything I have written has dealt with facts. They can all be verified and proven. While some people may disagree with my interpretation, nonetheless, there are facts and studies to bear me out. Some of the studies that I drew from are open to interpretation also, it is just a matter of which side to believe. My writings for a time will now be based on conjecture, suppositions and scenarios. This is because we are going to attempt to take a look into the future and what I believe those who would rule the world are up to. Short of being a member of the Bilderberg, the Trilateral commission or the Council on Foreign Relations, there is no way I, or anyone else, can know for sure what they have planned for us. I can however see some frightening trends. I can look back into history and see how it is currently repeating itself. This is mostly what I am going to talk about. I will also apprise you, once again in my opinion, as to what we can do to possibly stop the taking over of America by fasciunists, although I sometimes think that it may already be too late. We have lost a lot of our freedoms already and I see us losing more and more of them. The fasciunists insidiously take away these freedoms in small increments. Many times when our freedoms are abridged we are told that it will protect a certain group of citizens. Children are now the best reason to take away freedoms, along with our security from terrorism since 9-11. When gun laws are passed, it is to protect the children. When books are banned in schools, it is to protect the children. Yet at the same time when books bordering on hard core pornography are introduced into our schools in the name of sex education, nothing can be done. Many of these books promote pre-marital sex and homosexuality. When filters are put on computers to keep them from being able to access certain sites, it is to protect the children from pornography and hate. Seems kind of disingenious to me to promote pornography in the schools in the guise of sex education and then turn around and say that it is bad on your a computer. Whether a web site promotes hate or not is only someone's opinion. If you write something bad about jews, blacks, homosexuals, lesbians or other privelaged groups, you will be accused of hate even if it one-hundred percent true and provable. These are issues of freedom of speech and of the press. One might think that the many large newspapers, large magazines and large broadcasting companies would be in the forefront of trying to protect these rights. You might think that it would be in their best intrest to help in the fight to retain our freedoms. Quite the reverse is true. Most, if not all of these companies are controlled by or directly linked to the fasciunists. They are highly controlled and print or air only what the fasciunists think we should believe. While slanting and even suppressing the news, these same companies broadcast and publish some of the most vulgar, sexually deviant, explicit material, all in the name of entertainment. Much of this so called entertainment is aimed at the very children they claim to be trying to protect. At the same time they are calling for censorship of the internet for hate sites. They know that they can continue to dumb down the population (especially the young) and feed them filth, but do not want them to know what is really going on in the real world. The reason they are trying to help block the so called hate web sites is that first of all they realize that the real news is being told on many of them and second they want to promote a deeper chasm between blacks and whites, homosexuals and hetrosexuals, jews and christians, etc, etc. This will assure that more laws can be passed to take away more freedoms. I believe that they will continue this until they have turned the whole country amoral if possible, and more laws have been passed controlling "hate" speech and other thought crimes.


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