This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Foreign Policy II

Staying in the era of the war in Kosovo, we were told that this type of ethnic cleansing was bad. Innocent people were dying and NATO needed to go in and save them. The reason it had to be NATO was that the U.N. charter forbids invading a sovereign nation unless that nation has invaded another nation. This was how Bush the elder had gotten away with the first war with Iraq. We gave Saddam the go ahead to invade Kuwait and when he did, we used that invasion to go to war against him. Actually, all international law and all international agreements forbid the invasion of a sovereign country. What NATO did in Kosovo was one hundred percent illegal. We were told that in this age of "smart bombs" the only things that would be targeted would be military. Then "The big lie" was exposed and we were told that this was "Collateral damage". This is the newspeak term meaning that we will now deliberately target schools, churches, hospitals, bridges, embassies, historical sites and anything else that will put a country back into the stone age. The civilians that are killed? Well, we are saving them. Remember; "War is peace". Look at the involvment of the U.S. along with NATO in this war. The constitution and presidential war powers act make it illegal to make war for over sixty days without congress legally declaring war. War was never declared by congress, but Imperial President Clinton knew that he did not need that because as imperial president he had no need to obey the constitution. By allowing this to happen, congress and the American people are now confronted with Bush the younger who has carried the imperial presidency a step further. When he decided to go to war against Afganistan, everyone was behind him because of 9-11. No one looked to the constitution to see if this was in fact legal. Afganistan was not responsible for 9-11. A terrorist who was not even an Afgan was responsible and merely hiding out in their country. Once again all of the civilians that were killed were collateral damage and were being saved. Then Bush takes his imperial presidency even one step farther. Because some so-called intelligence agency tells him tha Iraq "MAY" have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) he takes the U.S. to war against yet another soveriegn country. I do not particurally care if a country has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world and every other WMD and all of the technology and hardware to deliver them. To invade another country without provocation is unconstitutional. Even had he proved all of his allegations, which all turned out to be false, without Iraq invading someone or without us proving that they were behind 9-11 our invasion of Iraq was illegal. Thousands of civilians have been killed in the name of "saving them" and many more have been injured or maimed. Once again, "collateral damage." Here at home unconstitutional laws are passed at the behest of Bush because we are "At war". I defy anyone to show me a declaration of war passed by congress. This is the only way we could be at war. Everything (that is right EVERYTHING) that is being done in regards to this so-called war is illegal. This is not a war against terrorism, it is a war against the American people. The only country that was completely on our side in both the war in Kosovo and now in Iraq is England and Tony Blair. Now we will go into these countries, spend billions of dollars of taxpayers money rebuilding them and playing the hero. Now in Iraq as well as in Kosovo, after we descimate the country, we set up the government of our choice. We do not even give these countries a say in how to govern themselves. Hitler would have proud of Clinton, Blair and Bush. This is the same thing he was doing in his attempt to rule the world. This is Fascism, pure and simple and fasciunism at its best.


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