Differences and morals
Immigration, racism and other ethnic, religious and class differences will play an important part in turning this country into what the monied, one worlders want. By using fascist tactics and telling us that we must accept illegal aliens and support them; by making race a mandate for doing things like hiring; by making religion (especially Christianity) an outmoded lifestyle that can be picked on and degraded; by making tax laws to eliminate classes of people; hatred is promoted. Hatred is one of fascism's greatest traits. Hatred was prevelant in Nazi Germany, in Italy and in all other fascist countries. Those countries promoted the hatred openly. Here in America, this will not work so the fasciunists are being much more devious about it. By telling us that our tax money must support illegal aliens when they should be deported or jailed; by affirmative action laws and and in pursuit of multi-culturism and the use of newspeak, the fasciunists are in fact promoting hatred rather than homogeny. People resent the fact that they are told, (by force of law), who they must hire; who their children must associate with; etc. True homogeny can never be accomplished by fiat of law. True homogency can only be accomplished by true freedom. Freedom of choice; freedom of association; freedom of thought and all of the freedoms that are contained in our constitution are the necessary instruments to make this a truly great country once again. That is the reason that our very great founding fathers put all of these things into the constitution. The hate that is being sown by the fascist laws to supposedly promote homogeny, can only tear this country apart. This is what the fasciunists want. They make it known that the illegals do not need to learn our language; we will teach our children their language. They let it be known that certain legal immigrants such as the Hmongs do not need to learn our language either; we will supply interpeters; even after they have been in this country for many years. After all, we have a lot of American tax dollars to spend on such things. Meanwhile, real American citizens are asked to give more and get less. None of this promotes homogeny; it promotes hatred. The complete breakdown of morals goes right along with this and is being promoted by the fasciunists. You can expect to see more sex, violence and deviant acts in the entertainment media. Since I originally wrote this book in 1999 I have seen this come to pass and the smut is still increasing. While fasciunists publicly wring their collective hands and condem this so called entertainment, they will continue to allow it, all in the name of freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Meanwhile things that disagree with the fasciunist's ideas and plans, or things that would show the errors of their thinking will be labeled as hate speech and more laws passed against them. Even now, if you are against the war or think that GW is wrong about warrentless wire taps you are considered unpatriotic and the fasciunists would like to silence you. Even in 1999 when I wrote this book, I could not get a publisher to touch it. I self-published and sold some copies mail order but that was the best I could do. It seems that it was too politically incorrect for even the publishers that do this type of book. Without the world wide web I would be shut down completely, because I cannot afford to do anything else to get my ideas out there. This is exactly the way the fasciunists want it; except now they detest the web too. As hard as they are trying they cannot stop people from posting and reading. Places like the ADL make filters which are supposedly to filter pornography from your computer to protect the children. What they do not tell you is that these filters also filter out what they consider hate sites. These sites are any that do not agree with the jews and the fasciunists, but jews and fasciunists is a redundency. Being told that homosexuality is right and good and having it portrayed in your living room is okay. Having a diference of opinion, based on medical and religious beliefs, is hate. Making fun of and degrading Christians is okay, defending your Christian beliefs is hate. These are just a few examples of the things that fasciunists are doing to promote a one world government. When the hate gets bad enough we will be told that they are taking the country over and declaring martial law. Then comes the dictatorship. We are fast approaching that point with the so called war on terror. Fasciunism must be stopped here and now or we will completly lose our country to the one world government.
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