This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


You can expect the environmental movement to play a large role in the confiscation of personal property and the abridgment of our rights. These groups have only one thing in mind; saving the environment at all costs. They place no value on property rights, human rights and not even on human lives. While many of these people are well intentioned, they do not realize who is funding their groups. Most of the funding for environmental groups comes from ultra-liberal, left wing and communist front organizations. This is all part of the overall conspiracy to take over America. Am I saying that the internationalists started and are running the environmental groups? Not really, at least it did not start out that way. The Bilderbergers and the Trilateralists simply watch for good opportunities. When they see an opportunity, such as the environmental movement arise, them move quickly. they are first in line to contribute funds to run these organizations, eventually putting their own people in charge, thus giving the one worlders control of the environmental movement. This holds true for the woman's movement and many other movements especially the ACLU which was actually started by an American communist. All of these movements are in place to do what they can to undermine freedom. The reason the environmental movement is so bad is that Bill Clinton, while he was imperial president, issued executive orders signing on to the various international treaties.The senate has never voted on them so it is really illegal, however as imperial president, Clinton got away with it. This will lead to more of our land coming under international rule and more confiscation of land. Land that is not confiscated will be put under severe restrictions. More and more landowners are being told what they can do with their own land. The courts with their land grabbing decisions are going right along with this. Government owned and controlled land equals communism. Private held and government controlled land equals fascism. Thus the combination of the two equals fasciunism. Another way the one worlders are taking over is the taking over of private induustry. A case in point is the medical profession. As soon as Clinton became president he immediately called for a federal medical plan. Everyone was to have the same opportunity for medical assistance. We were all to be equal in the eyes of the medical profession. That is socialized medicine and another step toward communism. The scary thing about the process when you look at it, was Clinton's people, with wife Hillary at the helm, devised a plan so that it would not look like socialized medicine, it would not look like communism. The plan called for the medical profession to remain in private hands rather than being taken over by the government as most socialized medicine plans are. However, the federal government was to have total control over this private industry. Thus, while giving the appearance of free enterprise, the socializing would begin. That is pure fascism. While that plan failed miserably, it is not really abandoned. They realized that the country was not ready to allow the federal government to take control of seventeen percent of our economy. Now they have gone back to doing it in smaller increments. While Clinton was kind of stopped by his failed plan, GW has taken up the crusade and is doing his best to keep working at it. He backed a plan by which the government is making drug coverage a part of medicare and thus an entitlement. The program was designed in such a way that it cannot succeed. When it fails totally the government will have to come in and take it over completely, regulating the prices and everything else in the pharmacutical industry. They will say that they were "forced" to do it to protect the senior citizens. Thus you will note that changing presidents or changing political parties makes no difference. The move toward fascism and communism continues without a misstep. It is the fasciunism that these people are using to obtain thier one world government. We need to stop this drive not just slow it down. When we win one case against the environmentalists or stop one medical takeover, we cannot celebrate. We may be winning a battle or two but the one worlders are winning the war. They make a big move and hope to gain a lot of ground, but they know that if one attempt fails, the next imperial president will once again gome of that ground. While we are celebrating that one failure, the fasciunists are preping their next imperial president and instructing him as to how he will approach the problem. They are really all one and all fasciunists.


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