This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What Next?

An all out war is one of the ways that the fasciunists could completely take the country over. I believe that is one of the reasons that the last two presidents, Clinton and Bush, have both been younger men when elected. The fasciunists who do the planning want a man that is young enough to be in office once we get another president for life. They do not want another FDR, who dies before they have time to truly groom his replacement. All out war, especially against "terrorists" would allow the rules which are now in place for martial law to be utilized and all elections suspended. We all know that this is considered peacetime, after all "WAR IS PEACE". You begin to realize how fascist this country has gotten by first looking back to the war in Yugoslavia under Clinton. They were told that they would get no help from us unless they replaced their president. Yet, we had gone in to let them do their own choosing. That just goes to show how wonderful NEWSPEAK is. You can do whatever you want as long as it is what we want. Pure fascism. That was one sovereign country we invaded and when it did not go the fasciunists way, (the country caved in to their wishes too quickly) we had to invade another sovereign country, Iraq. Yugoslavia rolled over too easy, but now we have a much more difficult time of it. We are fighting terrorism, even though Iraq did not have much to do with the terrorists that attacked our country. Islam has had a role in all of these little non-wars. We stirred them up in Europe and that made Ossama angry, so using the weapons and training which we had sold him, he had his terrorists attack the U.S. I do not know if there was further complicity from the U.S. fasciunists but that is now a moot point. We first went into Afganistan, another Islamic country and then into Iraq. We are now attempting to run both countries by placing our lackeys in charge. The Muslims know this and they are irate about it and well they should be. The world of Islam has always hated the U.S. because they see us as Isreal's lap dog lackey. Isreal wants something done and we jump right in and do it. This is the same Isreal that fires rockets at our ships, kills our sailors, bombs our embassies and barracks in the middle east and sends spies into this country so they can steal our weapons secrets to sell to the Chinese or whoever will buy them. The war in Iraq is just the beginning of what is planned. Right now the president of Iran is saying the the holocoust never happened (did it?) and that Isreal should be wiped off the map. Is this going to lead us into a war with Iran to protect Isreal? If it does you can look for the draft to be reinstated and martial law put into effect. You can also look for an all out war in this country. There are enough muslims in this country that side with Iraq, Iran and Ossama that I believe that you would see a spate of terrorism that has never been seen in the world. Look at what goes on in Isreal and multiply it by hundreds. Bush and his fasciunists are playing with fire and they know it. We cannot even protect our own borders, how can we expect to stop the terrorists? Does anyone think that all of those illegal aliens will join up and fight for this country? My take on it is that they will help the opposition. This may be what the fasciunists want, an all out internal war and an all out world war. The muslims feel that we are at war with all of Islam and I am not too sure that they are wrong. It is the one way to stir up the world into a mass war as there are muslims in most western countries in the world. This is only one possible scenario. Should this one fail, there are a couple of others that could be brought into play. The thing is, war is the easiest way to bring a country together and convince people that they need to give up their freedoms to win it. We already have lost many of our freedoms to an constitutionly, undeclared war against terrorism. Think of what the fasciunists colul bring about should a scenario such I have just suggested happened. It scares me and it should scare everyone enough to try to make sure it does not happen.


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