This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Future

There are a multitude more of examples that I could give as to what the fasciunists are doing, but I think you get the picture. I think it is time to take a look at where they are taking us and how they are doing it and look at the possibility of stopping it. I personally believe that John F. Kennedy was the person groomed to lead us to a one world government. He had the charm and charisma that was needed to lead the sheep down the path of one world government. Kennedy got himself in trouble by not agreeing with the Federal Reserve and our one way love affair with Isreal. Thus, they had to eliminate him, back up a couple of steps and try again. Johnson was too corrupt, Nixon was not smart enough. While he got caught for dirty tricks and had to resign, by today's standards his dirty tricks were nothing. Actually he had completed the job he was put in office to do anyway. He opened the door to trade with communist China. Ronald Reagan slowed things down somewhat. While he was forced to surround himself with one-worlders, he was sharp enough to take things to the American people and a good enough orator to get the job done. Bush the senior was the one-worlder's next great hope. He was put there as a set-up man. He was one of the first politicians to acutally use the words "one world government". Once he did that, his usefullness was over and a new person was needed. The one worlders turned once again, to a slick talking, charismatic person; "Slick Willy, Bill Clinton". Here you had a man who was a freely elected, highly respected, imperial president. At least that is what the controlled, lap dog media told us. The main reason the media was able to convince the head-in-the-armpit (or some other dark part of their anatomy, HITA) public to accept and idolize Clinton was the prosperity he supposedly brought us. If you look back in history no more than 75 years you will find that Hitler was a freely elected leader who was highly popular for bringing Germany prosperity. Clinton was a good speaker, able to hold a crowd's attention; so was Hitler. Clinton even had the advantage of the fact that politically correct newspeak has been accepted by that same HITA portion of the population. Thus, he could change words, redefine words and change his facts at will. Clinton is charismatic and attractive to women (although I cannot see why). He was also able to promise anyone whatever they want to hear and with the help of newspeak, deny he ever said it. The lap dog media allowed it because they are after the same one world government he is. Clinton's next hope is to become the secretary general of the U.N. God help us! Now we have Bush II who, while he does not have the charisma or oratory ability of Clinton, he has the audacity, the brashness, the gall and the impudence to carry out the plans of the one worlders. He took advantage of the terrorist attack to start a war that he insists on completing in the face of ever growing opposition. Hitler used the Reichstag for the same purpose. I have already stated that the war in Iraq is unconstitutional as well as his tapping of private conversations of U.S. citizens. Most of the patriot act, which he loves, is also unconstitutional. Should you disagree with his policy pubicly, you are being unpatriotic and possibly committing treason. G.W. would like to take us into a war in which he could do as FDR did and become a president for life. Does any of this remind anyone besides me of the fascist leaders of the past. The monied bankers and businessmen are doing their best to keep the economy going for him so that the HITAs will not get too disgusted with him. You see, they know that when the HITAs have a dollar in their pocket, that is all that counts. There are several scenarios that are possible, an all out war being one of them. We need to be on our guard and stop all of this before it cannot be stopped, (if it can even now).


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