This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Militias Part 2

While the media tells the world that militias are bad, that is due to the fasciunist hatred of the second amendment. This is one reason that it would be great to get the states to reinstate the militias. As this is probably a dream, we need to do the next best thing and start and join our own. I do not believe that the second amendment and the military training is even the most threatening to the fasciunsist. I believe that they worry more about the educational and aid aspect of a militia. By having a group, more letters can be written, more ground covered and more things done. Letter writing can be split up giving each member one subject to cover. This allows that person to write letters to senators, congressmen, newspapers, sponsors of smut entertainment and anyone else that their subject covers. They can become very well versed in their one subject because they know someone else is taking care of the other subjects. Depending on the size of the local militia, two subjects may need to be handled by one person. On the other hand in a large militia group, two or three people may be assigned the same subject to put out more letters on each subject. This type of letter writing, educating the people in constitutional principals and aiding in emergencies is what scares the fasciunists. They fear that if the American people wake up and see what a militia really is, they will support it and the fasciunists will lose some of their control. There are some militias that make the rest look bad. They are the ones that ONLY are intent on becoming a military group. They put revolution first instead of last. They need to put the constitution first along with aiding the people and leave revolution for a last resort. I believe when the founding fathers wrote the constitution, this is what they had in mind. Remember; George Washington, Paul Revere, John Adams and the other founders were considered outlaws by the government of their day. These were members of the oreginal state militias and fought the oppression of the king. They gave us our constitution, our freedom to assemble, the freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms. I firmly if these men (all of our founding fathers) were alive today they would all be jailed or more probably executed as traitors and terrorists. That, my friends, is a pretty sad commentary on the state of American politics and law. Revolution is a very last resort method of bringing this country back to its roots. The way the fasciunists are getting their own way, and the speed with which they are getting it scare me. I love this country very much and do not want to see it torn apart, but it is a possibility. I would rather be part of a revolution to regain this country than to wake up some day and realize I was a slave with no rights except those which a dictatorial government felt they needed to give me. Those are not really rights, at that point they become privelages because the government that gave them can take them away. "I love my country, but fear my government" is an old, much over used cliche, but it is becoming more and more true. With domestic spying, the patriot act, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland (in)security, I become more and more fearful. We need to try everything at our disposal to bring this country back to its constitutional roots without the use of violence. If that does not work, we have a real problem. Much of the writings about the constitution by the founding fathers had to do with keeping the government out of our lives and keeping states sovereign. Under fasciunist control this is all falling by the wayside. Now with NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, NATO, the UN, the world bank and all of the other agreements, even our national sovereignty is fast falling away. We need to get out of all of these organizations and treaties and once again become a sovereign nation. We need to stop the invasion of illegal aliens and become, once again, a homogenous country. It is the only way that America, the way it was founded, can survive. We need to wake people up to that fact and we do not have much time. We all need to do our part.


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