This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Take Action

Any American who has been reading this dissertation should be hopping up and down angry and ready to do something. They should be thinking of things that can be done to stop the spread of fasciunism and the fasciunist takeover. One thing all of you must realize is, that you, like myself will most likely be labeled as a hate monger. At one time, not so many years ago, being a patriot, or being patriotic was considered a very good quality. In today's world of newspeak, unless you are a bow down to the government, never disagree with the present administration's policies, and bend over and kiss their feet, you cannot be a patriot. The old qualities of freedom of speech and disagreement, which made this country great, are no longer allowed in the fasciunist scheme of things. As a patriot in the old style you may be called a spy, a defector and probably a terrorist. You are probably also going to be called a right wing wacko, a Christian extremist, anti-American, radical, racist, anti-semitic, xenophobic, homophobic, and a whole list of other politically correct labels. All of that may be the least of our worries. I am not sure that even if all constitution believing, Christians and patriots in this country do what I and others suggest, that fasciunism has not taken such a hold on the country that we can beat it back. It may well be that the only way this war with the fasciunists will be won will be by bloodshed. I truely hope and pray that this is not the case and it is not something that I ever have or am now suggesting. There are some out there who are suggesting this and while I do not agree with them, I do understand that that is why our forefathers gave us the right to keep and bear arms. Read the writings of the signers of the constitution and you will find this to be true. Do not let the ultra-liberal fasciunists and their lap-dog press tell you that it was put there to allow hunting and sport shooting. That is another part of the fasciunist's big lie. First of all we need to pull all of our children out of public schools. Our school age children, with their very impressionable and mallable minds, are being indoctrinated into the ways of fasciunism and one world government. They are being taught to be citizens of the world and not of the United States of America. Schools no longer teach the three R's. I am not talking about "reading, 'riting and 'rithmitic", which are not taught either, I am talking about "reason", "respect" and "responsibility". You see, these are moral choices and morals are not allowed to be taught in schools. Right and wrong cannot be taught, only choices. You see, in a world without morals, there can be no right or wrong. It is being taught that it is much more important not to offend anyone. History is even being rewritten to make sure no group is offended and to make sure it is all politically correct. You see, the fact that they are offending all true patriots does not seem to bother them. After most of us are white Christians of European decent and can be offended at will. History should be a true accounting of this and other countries, with all the good and bad included. That is what made this country great. When George Washington is taken out of our history books (he owned slaves you see) or given less ink than someone like Marilyn Monroe, (who was never known for her high moral standards) it is time to do something. The best thing possible is for as many people as possible to home school their kids. I know everyone cannot do this so the next best thing is for those who cannot home school, put your kids into a private school. Find a school that agrees with your values and teaches the truth. With the no child left behind attitude now being law and the federal government controlling everything that the public schools do, you cannaot afford to leave your children in them. We need children that grow up with morals and that have been taught the truth rather than the manufactured, politically correct garbage. No child left behind means no child out ahead and promotes the herd mentality that the fasciunists need to take over. Get those children out of public schools now.


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