This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fight Back

Buy American if at all possible. One of the ways the fasciunists are trying to blur the line between countries is to make it seem that there is no difference between buying products that support workers in in U. S. and buying foreign products. Tell that to the thousands of workers at Ford, GM and Chrysler. The Japanese and Koreans have been selling cars to Americans while the American companies have not been able to. Now with China about to enter the market, you can imagine where the Americans will go for their cars next. The fasciunists have led the sheep to believe that cheaper is always better. They conveniently hide the real cost of the lost jobs and all of our money going overseas. What happens to this country if one of the big three go under and all of their employees are out of work. It is not only that, but all of the suppliers that make parts and other things for the car companies. Add to this all of the dealers and their employees and all the aftermarket companies. That will bring this country to its knees which is exactly what the fasciunists want. All of this is being done to bring us down to the level of a third world country. At that point the fasciunist government can take total control of all the people. Find out which companies are international and have most of their plants or other contacts in other countries. While there are now many things that are not even made in the U.S. there are still many that are if you look around. Stay out of Walmart as much as possible. They seem to rather buy from China and Indonesia than from a U.S. company, even if they have the choice. The problem is that countries like China and Indonesia and Sri Lanka are known to use slave or near slave labor. By buying from companies like these you are promoting slavery and making the rich fasciunist bankers richer. To keep from buying any more than absolutely necessary of imported products, I have turned to buying much merchandise used. I go to auctions, flea markets and thrift stores. We need to support American products and the American workers that make them. Without a manufacturing base, America will go down quicker. Buy American!
To try to regain our lost rights you need to join patriotic organizations and work to protect the right we have left while attempting to regain some of the rights we have left. The Foundation to Defend the First Amendent, Gun Owners of America and many other groups are fighting for certain rights. Pick the ones that you understand best and work with them. We need to belong to groups that have offices in Washington and are able to talk to the senators and representatives. I cannot afford to go to Washington personally to lobby, so all I can do is to help an organization or two to do it for me. You can probably find a group that is fighting for anything that you think is important to be fighting for. Joining these groups cannot hurt and may be our only way to fight Washington. Write letters. Write to your congressman, your senators, the editor of local or regional newspapers and to your state represenatives and senators. Use snail mail, e-mail and phone calls. You will soon find out where your senators and reps stand by the answers you get, or perhaps do not get. Be short and polite but straight to the point with your messages. This goes for state officials, including the governer and also in your letters to the editor. Write to local tv stations, stating your views on their programming. Tell them you are refusing to watch the shows which are sexually explicit and especially those that portray deviant behavior, such as homosexuality. Do not forget to write them when they run shows that you approve of. Shows that protray family values, good morals and good taste. This goes for public officials also, drop them a line congratulating them when they vote the right way on what may be a controversial bill. Radio stations and magazines are also targets for your letters both pro and con.


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