This blog will follow American politics in a different manner than most. It will show how the politicians of both parties use fascist and communists tactics to promote one world government.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Some people call it illegal immigration, I call it an invasion. Things are getting much worse at the border. Armed Mexicans in full uniform are coming across the border and attacking our National Guard. The NG can do nothing except to retreat due to the fact that they are unarmed. If Mexican troops are coming across the border and attacking, what can it be called except an invasion. Where is the protest about this in the major media? There is none due to the fact that the major media is a major player in the fasciunist takeover of America. With the communist demlicans now in charge of the congress, things are probably about to get much worse. I have worn out one set of fingers writing to my two senators and my representative. I continue to get form letters back saying that we are a nation of immigrants and that we need to have compassion on these lawbreaking invaders. These people who want to take a good share of America back and make it Atzlan, are coming here and being welcomed. We may be a nation of immigrants, but we are also supposed to be a nation of laws. The legas immigrants came here and worked to become citizens because the wanted to share the American dream. The invaders are coming here illegally and do not want to become citizens but want to take away our country.

Why are our fasciunist politicians allowing this? It is very simple if you just think; North American Union and the new money the Amero. This is being pushed behind our backs by Bush and his henchmen. Think six lane super highway from Mexico to Canada right through the center of the U.S. Think one world government. First the NAU and next the entire western hemisphere. What really bothers me is that supposedly good American companies will be doing the work to bring down their own country. They will probably hire the invaders because they may not be able to hire true Americans to harm their country. This is why the invaders are being welcomed by the fasciunists: MONEY!! There will be a double set of railroad tracks between the north and south bound lanes of the highway. Once this is done, what little we have left of America will be gone. America will become a third world country so that anything the the world government (UN) offers will be gladly accepted. That is by most of the brain dead, sports watching, hollywood watching, tv couch potatoes that only care that they have a dollar in their pocket and a beer in their hand.

What can we do about this? I am not really sure that anything can be done about it now. It may be too far gone. I have been trying to wake people up for over fifteen years and it does not seem to have done any good. A major change in congress would work but changing republicrats for demlicans or vice versa is not the answer. We need to get a good third party in some sort of power. The best that comes to mind in my opinion is the Constitution Party. When I suggest to people to vote for them they usually say: "I really would like to but it is the waste of a vote because the cannot win". If everyone that has said that to me voted for the Constitution Party they would probably now be in control of several states as well as congress. I am not sure even that would work because with the new computerized voting machines the vote can be controlled better than ever.

Here is what I am afraid is going to happen. All of a sudden a whole bunch of citizens are going to wake up and because it is too late for anything else, they will take the law into their own hands. There will be shootings, beatings and riots. This will play right into the fasciunists hands as they can call it a national emergency and declare martial law. While I do not agree with taking the law into my own hands, I do stand ready to defend myself and my country. If a lot of people would get off their dead butts, we still may be able to stop it without the violence. One thing to remember, if violence does start, it will be only the American citizen that will be punished. The invaders have nothing to lose and everything to gain and besides they get free passes when committing crimes. HELP STOP THE INVASION NOW!!!


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